Reviews from

in the past

Preface: I grew up on these JumpStart games and have now built a Windows 98 machine so my kids can play them. As these are educational games, my review is based on how much I learned and how much I enjoyed them as a kid, as well as how my kids are doing with them now.

This one's real simple. No big theme other than "schoolhouse," but it's a good start for helping your kid learn to click, type, add and spell.

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the glop monster h*ckin scared me so bad as a kid.

I was like in 4th grade and still had fun with this shite

Please give me a whole tray of peas.

kids these days are missing out on fun educational cd-rom games

I don't really remember much of this besides it being decently kinda fun and educational?

"Oh no, it's the glob monster!!" (Which was scary back in the day!)
"A whole tray of..thank you."
"Half a tray of..thank you."
Had a lot of fun playing this game as a kid, some things about this game are kinda strange to look back on though.