Reviews from

in the past


Way ahead of its time for when it released. If you read into the development history, Microsoft had a team that was so insanely passionate and dedicated to what they were making that it far surpassed fighting game stans and it was shat on upon launch which turned a lot of people off. It was secretly a great game, and over time and updates, it grew increasingly insane and powerful.

It's so powerful, it barely runs on the Xbox One's it was distributed on originally. It's a title that was crafted for Project Scorpio. The only thing bogging this game down was the dependence on DLC to continue content.

It's essentially the kind of package I look for in a fighting game. Great online, solid system mechanics, and a diverse cast that is fun to play. The fact that I am putting time into multiple characters to experiment with is a testament to how interesting their tools are and allow to approach Killer Instinct's systems in unique ways.

This game is interesting in that it definitely isn't for everyone but given the parameters that it starts with, it's hard to imagine it being much better.

The combo system with starters, linkers and enders is unique. The way that chip damage works is unique, the way that advantage works is unique. Of course the way that combo breakers impact the game, along with baits and counters breakers is unique. The various "cash-out" mechanics make for completely different strategic considerations than other fighting games. So on and so on...

With all of these unique mechanics it's inevitable that it won't be for everyone. For those who like it, there really isn't anything else quite the same.

Lacks polish but is lots of fun, my favorite fighter to button mash

Madre de dios, que desastre... Los menús asquerosos, la tienda forzadísima, y eso sin entrar en el juego en sí. Las cinemáticas son una vergüenza, indefendibles para un juego de este calibre. Te cuelan vídeos a 480p cada dos por tres con trescientos cortes solo para introducirte otro tutorial o tienda de m**rda. Y cuando crees que ya ha pasado lo peor ves el sistema de misiones, los consumibles, LOS SOBRES... Y abres uno y te ponen un vídeo de UN MINUTO para enseñarte que hace una de las cartitas que te han tocado jiji. Me he sentido ofendido y atacado personalmente. No lo vuelvo a tocar ni con un palo.

El único juego de lucha al que me he enviciado jamás. Eso dice mucho

Juego chulisimo con un sistema de combos comprensible pero sin sacrificar dificultad por ello, grata sorpresa y ost durisima

Really Enjoy this Killer Instinct because of not only the fighting and the way the game looks, but also all the characters in HD as well as the guest characters. A fun and badass fighting game I recommend.

Joguinho massa pra krl, gostei de jogar, mas pra fazer o 100% pqp, boa sorte pra quem for fazer. Gamer Tag (nome no xbox): xTiuJow557

Great soundtrack, good gameplay but good lord tone it down with the combo mads.

Bom demais, um dos meus jogos de luta favorito.

Its got the barberter in it

this game was the reason why i bought an Xbox One over a PS4 at launch, and i don't regret a thing.

"Target spotted, this should be quick!"

Sexy looking game, gameplay feels soooo good, and amazing tunes from Mick Gordon.

Feels great to slice a ninja up with Arbiter.

Puta merda.

Conseguiram, transformaram aquele merda num jogo decente. Esse KI novo é extremamente gostoso de jogar, apesar de eu não ter quase nenhum elogio pra musica e pra estética do jogo, a gameplay é absurdamente intuitíva, e o sistema de combo breaker é incrível.


The fact that a bunch of people in the fgc believe this to be at least in the top 15 best fighting games of all time means something. It’s a lot of fun with innovative combos and ideas. It could be higher if I play it more which I want too.

Combos in this game feel so incredibly satisfying.

Um jogo com muito potencial desperdiçado.