Reviews from

in the past

Neat little game.

The structure is extremely linear. Go to location, pick up clues, offer clues to witnesses for new statements. Once you've gotten all the clues in a location, review your information and progress to the next chapter. It has a lot of beauty and visual appeal, but the gameplay is pretty unassuming.

Its the end of case 1 that really caught me off guard, a single line that recontextualizes the case and the information you've been given.

"Why was that clue labelled head priest's necklace? You didn't know there was a cult before then. So how did you know it belonged to the priest?"

Its a moment that makes you reconsider the way the story is told and how the narrator has doled out information. For a game so structured and methodical, its a welcome surprise! But its not necessarily enough to make me progress with the other cases yet. It awakened some curiosity, but the other cases would need to really spice things up to keep me motivated.

Played through the first case and I enjoyed my time with it. Playing as a detective, you interrogate people on the scene and search for clues in order to progress through the story. This happens in phases where you’ll collect all the clues in a certain area and then answer a series of questions using the clues as answers. The difficulty is quite low, the game gives you plenty of help by making it clear how many, and where the clues can be found. A neat mechanic at the end (wont say what it is for spoiler reasons) put a nice bow on the roughly 1 hour experience.

Dull. Repetitive. Music that grates on your ears. The twists at the end of each episode land with a thud, since you’re never invested in any of the characters.

We’re more than ok with mystery games where its investigations are on-rails, as long as there’s compelling questions that keep us engaged. But this game? This game is all about walking around, asking each question that’s in your journal, then answering a series of multiple choice questions before moving on to the next chapter. We’re not exaggerating when we say that this game made us feel consistently drowsy. Not the way we hoped to ring in 2024, but ah well.

La estética está genial y las vibes también, pero es ultra lineal y la forma en la que está diseñado el Gameplay es aburrido