Reviews from

in the past

It breaks my heart to say it but this game really let me down
It’s got some nice bits and pieces, the setting especially is detailed and the graphics are good but the plot and the way the game delivers its themes feels sloppy

Martha is Dead ist heftiger Tobak. Aber im positiven Sinne. Die Geschichte beschäftigt sich mit harten Themen, schafft es aber diese gekonnt in den Spielkontext einzubauen. Die Präsentation ist top, allerdings ist das Spiel nicht verschont von Bugs und Glitches.

I thought this was going to be more of a horror game. It opens with a warning, asking if you want to censor (aka skip over) some of the more graphic scenes. I chose yes, and I'm glad I did. This was more of a mental health game than a horror game. Let's try to get that to catch on as a genre.

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Ah yes. People with mental illnesses are evil and harm people, especially themselves.
And what did she have? Schizophrenia? DID? Both?

Fuck you, game. Also fuck you for the shock value of THAT scene which in the end was stupid anyway.

I really wanted to dig this game bc I liked Town of Light but this game just made me angry especially bc of it's ending.

I have a lot of complicated feelings abut the game's setting. I think it's really original and it's kinda neat that it's part of the story but I also think it's kind of weird (to be nice) that the main character has no thoughts whatsoever about this situation except "my bf is a partisan and died :(" like - you are the daughter of a german general.

I don't want your entire political manifesto in your room but c'mon give me something so I know what you think about this. Especially because your sister was murdered during a politically charged situation. Which is used as plot points esp. later in the game but the ideology behind it gets swept under the rug. At least this is what it felt like to me.

Maybe I give it another chance when I am not pissed that it's another "it was just in her heeeaad" plots but I doubt it.

The style is nice though.

EDIT: Oh, ALSO! This is another game where the main character is a woman who is mentally ill and has a horrible life and who meets a horrible end. This is getting weird.

aaah i really wanted to love this game and was looking forward to playing it for months, i wanted to be fully concentrated while playing it so i saved it for a time where i could 100% focus on it, sadly the game kept going down to 1 fps anytime i entered a new area / room, and kept crashing on medium settings when it's supposed to be easily running on ultra. after spending hours to solve those issues, i already played the first half of the game in bits and pieces and was so disconnected from the game itself. i think it would be a completely different experience if i could've experienced it without the constant problems, but i can't take time back sooo, the game is ruined for me, sad.

Uma das melhores histórias de jogos de terror, tudo é muito bem encaixado com a gameplay, final muito surpreendente.