Reviews from

in the past

The great thing about this game is how it builds the challenge as you play. On the first run it gradually introduces new enemies and obstacles that never feel unfair, but constantly force you to use your limited set of movement and shooting to contend with them. Once you run through the stages once, the challenge mode adds a few more variables on the first run before getting progressively tougher. There's also some neat graphical touches like how your vehicle drives through explosions from the saucer bombs when you just barely avoid them. The backgrounds do a good job of being unobtrusive while providing a good sense of traversal, but I do wish there was more here than just the tiles of the city and barren landscape.

You ever spend, like, half of your elementary school roller skating party holed up in the corner trying to blast aliens on the moon from a sweet pink 6-wheel moon rover?

I regret barely any of that time. More than likely I sat nursing a graveyard soda feeding the Moon Patrol machine while my peers cruised counter-clockwise around the padded walls and nature murals. I probably had to tune out the 80's hair metal ballads to fully enjoy the sick soundtrack that Moon Patrol brings, but the Nintendo font and the cool side-scrolling effects were in their full glory. Jumping, shooting, and controlling the speed of the rover was enough to keep me entertained until my fistful of grimy quarters was spent.

Excellent 4th grade times.

Review from

A fun diversion that requires good timing but little else, it's a historical marvel that's aged perfectly fine, but is incredibly short-lived due to just how many modernizations of its gameplay have been made over the decades.

Quite entertaining. A runner style game. I had fun finishing the first loop.

You had Chuck-E-Cheese, I had Mark Twain's Riverboat Playhouse - we are not the same.

But short of going to Space Camp and having Jinx send you to outer space (what a Joker) this was the closest to zero gravity that you could experience in the '80s.

[the guy all the way in the back of the moon buggy, quietly at first] “Parallax, parallax, parallax..”
[the rest of the guys in the moon buggy, joining in faster and louder and into a frenzy] “Parallax! ParalLAX! PARALLAX!”

Good ol' Moon Patrol. Not an overly complicated game, but a safe, easy-to-understand title from an era where arcade games were still figuring themselves out. Good for a quick run through, timing jumps and shooting out obstacles. I guess the first ever full implementation of parallax, which is pretty cool. Not much else to it, but that's all okay. Good stuff.

~ Juegos que Hay que Jugar Antes de Morir ~
Parte 2 — Los 80: Caída y Resurgir

Juego 36: Moon Patrol (1982)

Juegos como este con esos controles y ese delay lamentables hacen que le coja asco a la Atari.