Reviews from

in the past

interesting little exploration game with a nice soundtrack. some cool secret areas and achievements, got all achievements in less than an hour and replayed a couple times. the "insightful listener, observant eavesdropper" achievement is a little buggy and didnt work for me first time, but i did it again and it worked fine.
good game, it's free and pretty small storage wise so go ahead and try it out

I should really play Tales from Off-Peak City, eh... once again a lot of charm in a single package, and I think this is a good example of a liminal space that is more than just 'place, but empty'

After playing this game months ago I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. The soundtrack and general ambience are unforgettable, the uncomfortable feeling I got playing this wouldn’t go away for hours after I finished.

A somewhat interesting 30 minute experience. I didn't finish all the dialogue, but didn't really feel like I had to. The soundtrack is fantastic. It gets a bit nauseating by the end in the big central room, but that may be because I was playing this game in 800x600 on lowest graphics in 20 fps on my overheating macbook making it very uncomfortable in my lap.

Will have to replay when I am back at my gaming rig because unity puts my crotch on fire and I'd like to understand the world a bit more before I buy Tales from Off-Peak City

artsy FARTTRTR SY but its still godd

Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. After playing through The Norwood Suite, I thought I'd give this earlier game from the same developers a try (it's free, so why not!). It's very much following a similar theme as that later release, but more simplistic, with a surreal atmosphere to the large train station in which it's set - the various exhibits and merchants all at once being mundanely everyday and yet feeling somehow alien. Whilst Off-Peak's direct challenge to the player is to collect all the parts of a train ticket to to allow them to leave the station, the game also leads you to think more about what might lie behind the setting - nothing about this is ever directly answered, but it leaves an impression that keeps this in the mind for some time after its short half-hour play duration.

In my opinion, this catches the vibe of the best type of walking sim adventure game. It has a surreal environment, and functions as much as a virtual art gallery as it does a basic narrative adventure game. Beautiful stuff, and the soundtrack is in my top 5 of video games.

super pretty liminal space with lots of world-building to think about

Off-Peak is a game I probably should have loved, as it is very similar to BABBDI which is one of my favorite indie horror games of all time. The premises, and almost the entire games are similar, in that these are baron worlds, in this one being a futuristic, cyberpunk-esque weird world, as BABBDI is a world that seems left behind in its inhabitants.

Both games feature you exploring this world on your own, feeling the vibes it gives you, talking to the NPCs and characters, and really seeing what these worlds have to offer. Both games are also about finding a train ticket to leave the city you are in, by description, they are almost identical, just with a change of setting, so why do I not really like this game?

I believe it's just not that interesting. It is oozing with creativity, and doing things differently. There are little pieces in this game that are super cool to look at, little art pieces that are very esoteric, and feel super out of place in the real world, but just look so cool.

But this game doesn't have an interesting hook to it, BABBDI had a chilling atmosphere, with AMAZING movement, some of the best I've ever seen in a game. With this game, it's just walking, and running, and talking to people, and finding your ticket. While this game does have a stronger premise and story, it is by far less fun to play, and really feels like a prototype to something like BABBDI.

Maybe I would like this game more if I hadn't played BABBDI to compare it to, but since I did play this after, it does just feel lackluster. I can't say its a bad game, because it does have so much creativity to it. But it's not one I think I will remember.

Overall: 4/10

J'avais l'impression que j'étais au Palais de Tokyo...

Cosmo D knows how to set a mother-fucking VIBE!

A short game full of curious references, and most importantly, we can collect cookies.

Off-Peak feels like an introduction to the world of Cosmo D. At only a little over 30 minutes in length, it lets you explore a tiny bit of its zaniness, meet a few faces and wander the spaces of the three-dimensional collage Cosmo cooked up for you, without overstaying its welcome, or really even getting more than acquainted.

Good funny Lsd looking ass game

Very unique surreal experience. Like wandering through a modern abstract art museum. Loved the little references to niche hobbies.

if rinse dream made garry's mod

Brief as it gets but the atmosphere is excellent

The first Cosmo D experience, quite good, but he gets far better in the next two releases.

Woah, me core. A little stunned honestly, I literally had my Arban's right next to me while playing this and own a few other of the trumpet books. Plus the board games which I fw heavily, the music is funky as hell... great vibes all around, the creator seems like probably a cool dude.

Not really much of a 'game' but it's free. if this is just a sampler of the vibes Cosmo D games offer I am very interested

enjoyed stealing from small businesses

The sequel is better, but this is still a real treat.