Reviews from

in the past

solid, but felt like it was...missing something.

It's not a very deep game, but I enjoyed it. It's a nice appetizer for the main course; Popgoes Evergreen.

Played it on GameJolt and bought it on Steam. Amazing game go play NOW

Mostly fun 100% experience. Ideal way to go through this game is getting all the secrets and hidden cutscenes and such. Outside of that, there's a select few achievements that are genuinely dreadful to achieve.

Overall enjoyed myself despite some incredibly slow pacing at times.

Fun RPG with some neat surprises if you play long enough.

Kane Carter is inside my house.

I felt the machinist campaign a bit grindy compared to the first one but it was still pretty good. Its a simple game but I never felt bored while playing it so I say its pretty good!

don't for get to buy popgoes arcade for 7.50 aud

I played this as somebody who is NOT a fnaf fan, I am aware of the game's existence and have tried out Fnaf 1 for a few brief moments but that's about it. So for the most part any deep-cut lore or fan service will go over my head, which i'm sure for a lot of fnaf fans is the entire appeal of any game in the franchise, However, with that said, I still did actually really like this game.

For starters, the most obvious part of the game, the graphical style, is awesome. The Atari / Arcade style graphics are a nicely done inspired tribute to the style, not some shoddy "So retro!" type shit you would perhaps expect from such a title. The implementation of being able to actually see the Arcade cabinet at all times it also stellar, it looks fantastic with so much detail and flourishes. They really did not need to add such great detail to what is essentially a game that "Looks old", but they did and for me, it really paid off. The soundtrack accompanying is also great, and was another opportunity for them to leech of the "Its old so it sounds terrible" crutch, which can especially be applied to these Atari esque titles, but they didn't and made some pretty great sounding tracks while still fitting the style.

The gameplay at first seems like it's going to be realllly bad, but thankfully, it isn't! At the beginning of the game you can do nothing but basically, just sit and spam attack, praying you to win. It's like this for quite a while and is rather boring, I can see how it would immediately put people off, being stuck with such bare-bones gameplay for what feels like half the game. But, by the time you complete the first half, you now have more moves and more challenging opponents, which leads to a quite fun and strategic combat system that at the heart is still incredibly simple, reminiscent of the games its paying tribute to, whilst maintaining an actual sense of playability.

My enjoyment of the story will probably not compare to that of an actual fnaf fan, but even then, I still thought it was pretty good. Nothing mindblowing or anything I'm sure the lore implications or whatever carry it, but the lite horror elements are well done and are not super over the top as to avoid them being cringey. Although most of the Horror stuff is actually kept a secret, playing the base game you probably wouldn't even know there's really any horror-type content to begin with. My main gripe with this is that the main plotline just sort of abruptly ends and isn't satisfying at all, this is clearly done on purpose to encourage finding all the secrets and true ending, but by itself, the "ingame" plot is very basic and not that interesting, if you do plan to check this out make sure to go for %100 completion to get your worth from it.

Talk about a fun time waster dude I don't know why it's always the fnaf games that make me play through the end in one sitting and this game is no different because it is such a fun game and the dlc is pretty fun too I basically got almost every achievement I only got a couple of achievements anyways yeah give this game a go one day

Needs more horror

As a fan of the original Popgoes Arcade games I think this is an amazing update to them and fully fleshes them out, it retains allot of scares from the originals but with a new twist to fit the lore of Evergreen, although I do think it needed more scares other than that it’s a really fun RPG

Super fun experience! I've always been interested in the POPGOES canon, but needless to say, there wasn't much of substance prior to the Fanverse. This was a great reintroduction to the world with many lovely characters, references, and terrifying secrets. Manora the Mouse.

a surprisingly deep and fun combat system under the simplistic art-style