Reviews from

in the past

Didn't know what to expect from this but it certainly delivered. Cute little story with a very sweet message.

Only regret is getting the 'good' ending before 'the better' ending bc I thought the 'better' would be better than good, but no it's sorta middling and the name is informing you that there is a better ending: The good one ;-;

Historia oscura de pesadillas y almas en el purgatorio, con una niña y su lazo rojo que intenta salvarlas.
Cortito pero rejugable y entretenido. Tiene múltiples finales y caminos.
He visto el final meh, y el muy bueno.^^

Played via the UK PSN release on a Vita OLED.

It's difficult to not compare this game to Stranga's previous effort with 'My Big Sister'. That game had a lot going for it, with a wide array of levels and the narrative really making you attached to the central characters, even if the ending felt a bit on the vague side. In fact the more concrete ending message of Red Bow is probably the one thing I'd say is superior in this game - the three levels it focuses on feature two other characters each and their stories are usually relayed to you in 10-15 minutes which feels a bit too short personally.

But mostly everything else that I enjoyed about 'My Big Sister' is still here - the art is still fun even if a couple of the reveal scares from the second story don't really land due to unclear art, and the music is fun and suitably creepy, even if there is none on offer after the second story.

Overall 'Red Bow' feels like the precursor to 'My Big Sister' despite it being the spiritual sequel. It's still worth your time for the hour or so it takes to play through but I do wish it had exceeded my expectations that 'Sister' had set.

Someone get the poor girl something to eat!

Cute but unimpressive and very unpolished, my nuts smell good rn wtf.

You play as Roh who is trapped in a dream. Or at least, she believes it’s all dream. Either way, she meets a few spirits and monsters along the way, and can help them or not as she tries to make her way back home.


Red Bow is done in retro pixel art. It’s of the chunky style, and looks fine. It’s not my favorite, but I liked the dark aesthetic. It’s just not creepy like I was expecting. It’s just dark and weird.

Sound Effects + Music

The background music in Red Bow is pretty good. I liked it and didn’t get annoyed with it at all. The pirate music was my favorite. The sound effects aren’t great though. It’s mainly just Roh’s footsteps, but they don’t change based on what she’s walking on. So grass sounds the same as hardwood.

Gameplay + Controls

Red Bow is a simple point-and-click, or rather press-and-press, as you just use the arrow keys to move Roh around, then press Enter to interact with anything interactable. You’ll know you can interact with something if the name of the item pops up. Sometimes you’ll have to interact with someone multiple times to get a result as with most games in the genre.


Red Bow is easily replayable, since it is so short. And there are three different endings you get based on which achievements you unlock during that playthrough. I might go back to complete it some day.


Red Bow was a fine game. It wasn’t the creepy story I was looking for, but it was a decent way to pass an hour.

short, bad writing, I think I accidentally broke it a few times

An incredibly interesting game. I was wary at first due to the short run time, but it proved to quite an enjoyable experience.

massively unsatisfying. nothing happened - there's no narrative here. there's so little to do I barely even want to consider this a game. if you want to play a fun game like this, play my big sister. that one has real characters, at the very least.

Drei mystische Kurzgeschichten, die Potenzial für mehr haben, in dieser Form jedoch viel zu knapp geraten sind. Zumal die Rätsel auch leider viel zu einfach sind.

Red Bow is a bite-sized adventure horror game by Stranga. I really enjoyed Stranga's My Big Sister (Remastered), but Red Bow didn't really manage to land on an emotional level or offer much that was particular creepy. There were some glaring typos in the script that didn't impede the ability to understand, but pulled me out of the moment a bit. Still, I liked the general concept, the pixel art, the music, and the overall atmosphere. I enjoyed my time with it, and I find it easy to forgive an experience that only took me 80 minutes for not being as impactful as I would have liked.

This game was a lot of fun! It wasn’t as good as My Big Sister but I appreciated the same style and charm that Red Bow had as My Big Sister. The story was still pretty intriguing and I liked the puzzles. I wish this game was a bit longer. I’m mad that I ended up getting the bad ending with this game so I’m hoping to replay it soon to get the good ending.

Short, bad writing, had some interesting characters that could have gone somewhere, but didn't.