Reviews from

in the past

Not the greatest game out there, but its a pretty good game for a movie tie-in product. Pretty short and you can definitely make your own fun in this game. The only issue is that the "Hero Time" portions of the game are singleplayer and only allow player 1 to control them which really works against the entire premise of the game as a co-op game. Nevertheless, give this one a try with your friends and make your own fun.

This game was a hoot! Very similar to The Lion, the Witch, and The Wardrobe for some reason.

Well I know for a fact I played it on PC, but I can't remember anything about it without aid. So can it have been good then? Mindless fun, probably.

The game wasn't all that bad, it was actually. You had phases with each character, and it gives you that essence of old-school platformers like Jax & Daxter.

Somehow actually fun for a movie game

I played so much of this game when I was litte I love this game one of my childhood games

Surprisingly fun coop game, Im sure the game doesnt hold up as well singleplayer but get some friends and this is a fun time. I completed this in one day with 2 friends, good memories. :) boy the final boss was surprisingly difficult O.o

My wife's favorite. Pretty good in my eyes too

Chaotic janky mess in the best possible way. I used to play it with my family all the time. I have such fond memories of my mom getting crushed by giant tomatoes as Gingy.

This game is fun to mess around with but probably not for too long. Play it with friends if you can.

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This is the best Shrek game. The Story follows the movie but focuses on you going missions throughout it loosely, this isn't bad, it works and explores creative gameplay you couldn't do if it followed the movie completely. The Graphics are not good, but not bad enough to make you hate, just bad enough to notice, the world looks alright though, it's just the models. The Gameplay is really fun, you go around, making your way to the end of each level, there are 4 characters to play as that you can switch between, they also have their own unique power that makes that gameplay easier, Shrek can throw things, donkey can buck trees, Gingie can distract enemies with cookies and Fiona can slow down time, but these powers don't break the story because Shrek and donkey's powers are natural, Gingie's are possible, and Fiona's can be interpreted as being naturally fast that she could get past obstacles and they don't ruin the story of Shrek 2. Each level ends with a Hero time, a mission for 1 character to do to end it, these are good and improve the gameplay as opposed to break it, and boss fights that have you fighting by pressing buttons at the right times, not great, but not bad. The Music is sweet and fitting too. Shrek 2 shows you don't have to follow the story exactly to show express creative ideas of gameplay that don't hurt the universe your ideas are to be a part of.

these movie tie in games were actually a lot of fun

Халтурный проект по фильму, но с хорошим геймплеем и несколькими классными уровнями.

Got stuck on a fight for hours, only to realize that there's one dude spawning enemies in the corner. Time well spent.

C'est un ptn de film bande de cons

First played this in college as a means of trying to gain someone's trust back... quite an interesting method of doing that and I don't think I'd do it again. Sorry, Tyler.

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Played about 3 levels of it. Super nostalgic and well thought out level design. Graphics aren’t very sharp as to be expected. Gets a bit repetitive so doesn’t hold up super well. But it is Shrek!!

This was fun as a kid. Boring though. Puzzles are shit, platforming is meh. Nostalgia goggles recommended.

In hindsight this was very repetitive and formulaic but I enjoyed it a lot as a kid.

i still remember the rhythm game i hated puss for it
fuck the giant cookie level

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