Reviews from

in the past

Couldn't beat the final boss, but it's a perfect in my eyes. It's the kind of games makes you want to make your own game.

Really really on that Deadly Premonition shit, where it's fundamentally broken & extremely jank but dammit I couldn't help but love this stupid little game.

For one thing, this is specifically a budget title, and if compared to some of the other entries in the Simple Series on the PS2 this is essentially like Citizen Kane, relatively Lawrence of Arabia in scope. The controls are weird and kind of awkward but it's still way too easy for how short it is, it doesn't look particularly good (but again for a budget title it's alright?) and like the name it's super simple...

but it's just so cute and charming. As everyone said, it's basically just the most anime version of Terminator 2 possible, with a KAWAII maid protecting a little fancy lad and fighting off little evil dolls. Love the little face portraits & the animated cutscenes; for how brief this is that's the stuff that really shines. If you get the fan translated rom, give it a go, it's so short even if you hate it it'll be over and done with like nothing.

This is the baseline you have to cross if you want to make a game that has PS2 vibes that is all about fun. If it can't top the time traveling maid shooting an uzi, I'm gonna dock points!

do not be fooled by the title that makes you think its a shooter, this game is actually dollar store DMC with no combos

sadly, it has a maid, so its automatically better.

I can safely say this is one of the worst games I've ever played. By an extremely long shot.

It is borderline impossible to play this game the way it wants you to, but it's so stylish and charming that I think it's worth your time anyway, even if you have to brute force your way through it. It's easy to see why The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu didn't take off the way its Simple Series peers like The OneeChanbara or The Chikyu Boeigun (now Earth Defense Force) did because it just blatantly doesn't function on any level. It wants to be a Devil May Cry-style spectacle fighter (I refuse to call them Character Action games) but you only have one "combo" and it's so difficult to pull off, let alone chain, that if you aren't incredibly stubborn in getting it to work you might not even realize it exists. Even if you can get it to work consistently (I never did) most of the game you'll be fighting weak, slow enemies that rarely attack, and you need to be attacked to start your combo, so it's incredibly inefficient to use it outside of the fact that you have to if you want a good score, and you need a good score to get money, and you need money to unlock anything that might add more variety to the game (again, I never did). Outside of that, you have a sword and a machine gun (and a useless sniper rifle). The machine gun ruins your score but it's also the only efficient weapon in the game. The sword is kind of fun and the only thing outside of the combos that make this game feel anything like the more intense, fast-paced spectacle fighter it desperately wants to be, but you can only attack with it if you aren't moving so the gameplay always screeches to a halt when you try to use it. It probably sounds like I don't like this game very much, but there's a lot to love here outside of the monotonous gameplay. The presentation is great, the graphics are really charming, and the story is simple but fun. I like the chapter screens with a little monologue from the main character and a title that's always just an anime movie with one word replaced with "maid" (and I'm pretty sure the title of the game itself is a reference to the 1981 film "Sailor Suit and Machine Gun"). I like the robot maid enemies you fight for most of the game even if they kinda give up on that visual theme in the later levels. I love that you can press a button that just makes your character do a little animation of some maid-related activity like fixing tea or sweeping the floor, they're all incredibly cute (I dont like that you need to do a certain amount in each level with a certain amount of enemies on screen to get a good score, but oh well). It's a Simple series game, so you probably aren't expecting something mechanically complex and detailed anyway. Just looking at the presentation and tone, The Maid Fuku to Kikanjuu is incredible. You can beat it in about an hour and it's got an English patch, so it's absolutely worth checking out.

Said to be one of the more original entries in the Simple 2000 Series Budget range (to the point where to my knowledge it's the only one on PS2 fan translated into English), there's a lot to like about this but also a lot of find frustrating; for the most part, the gameplay is suprisingly decent, playing like a limited Devil May Cry or other hack and slash/third person shooter hybrids of the era. Unfortunately, the ranking system of these games is also present in limited form and it is not very pleasant.

For a game that relies almost entirely on its gameplay and customisation elements, the way in which these elements are rewarded to the player are baffling, with consecutive weapons only accessible through A/S ranks on certain levels instead of as a matter of progression. Usually this wouldn't be much of an issue on its own, but the pre-requisites to achieve these ranks negates any of the intended enjoyment of the game. Instead of enjoying looking for ways to utilise the perfect combination of ranged and melee combat, in order to achieve an S rank you are expected to not use the gun at all and spend the main brunt of your time using "maid style", which is a glorified way of saying "taunt every single enemy and leave yourself open to attack".

Not only this, but while customisation options do exist, they're reliant on a ridiculous amount of experience points in order to unlock; the cheapest upgrade on the base gun costs 100,000 and, if you choose to enjoy the game rather than chase the S rank methods detailed above, you're likely to not be able to afford even this marginal upgrade before the lategame.

Otherwise, The Maid Clothes and Machine Gun is about as enjoyable a budget experience as you can expect, albeit a very easy one minus a couple select boss fights, and even attempts to change up the gameplay in a couple of its levels to present a little variety. It's just a shame it rewards meticulous monotony over adventurous gameplay.

it's very repetitive but not a problem since it takes 1 hour to beat


its so needlessly mean to look at a simple series game and be like "i don't like this". like obviously it's going to be jank and undercooked. it's made to be a quick bit of fun for a ps2 owners on a budget. these controls are going to make my hand disintegrate and die though. they seem fine until you try to a-rank a level and realize the important buttons are absolutely not where they should be. maybe i'll pick this up again and just remap the controls and see if i can set the circle button as a turbo. on a positive note the idea is cute and if you don't care about rankings or 100%-ing the game then it'll be at least a little bit of fun. it does nothing for me.

Fun, decent, Simple 2000s game. Cute art and a cute fun story about a time-traveling maid robot with guns and katanas. It's fun. It's short. That's it.

If you've ever played a Simple 2000s title, you know what that means, if you didn't, well, it's a series of simple budget titles from people who wanted to put something out there but not a AAA or even an AA game. The action titles are usually short, sweet affairs (like Onechanbara) and often have some EXP or Rank system to encourage people to replay stages and add more value to the game.

The ranking system in this one is ridiculously aggressive with its requirements and it's best to just ignore it if you want to have a good time.

pretty fun! i just wish that getting an S on a level wasn't required to get extra guns :( the rating system is a bit of a pain