Reviews from

in the past

this is like so much better than pokemon

imaginate pokemon si los pokemon fueran mas feos. todo lo demas es igual osea un juego aburridisimo

release really put me off
also ?

Microtransactions, Premium Currencies, Battlepasses, and a $45 price tag. My dude, you were competing with both free games (i.e rom hacks) and brand loyalty. You never stood a chance. 4/10.

I begin playing since the release on steam early acess and transfer my save to PS5 later, its great experience on the main campain but for a casual/non-tryhard player is difficult to recomend this game, in every aspect temtem does something new in the genre of monster taming but the MMO aspect introduces things thats ruins the replaybility like: paid for fast travel, paid for doing raids that if only one person quits everyone can't complete the raid anymore, mandatory dojo battle rematches with competitive gameplay it takes a lot of time to build a competitive team and you have to throw away your current team to focus only the meta tems to do the most of activities of post-game, that way it looks like the player is punished for not using the meta tryhard teams.

Me gustaba mucho la idea pero se me ha hecho demasiado largo

I never got to enjoy this game. I love its art though.

This game has a lot of potential, if Crema really cared. The story is amazing, the post game is boring.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for July 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before August 1st, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Massively Multiplayer Pokemon.

TemTem doesn’t hide its influences, your neighbor who is a professor has you choose from three TemTems. Your rival then challenges you with her TemTem. You then go on a major journey, collecting new TemTem in the grass, capturing them by weakening them and then using Temcards, and so on.

The thing is, everything TemTem does is almost exactly like Pokemon, which is a good thing. There are a lot of attempts to imitate the formula, but TemTem comes the closest and adds the ability to do a Massive Multiplayer game as well.

But the thing is… they shouldn’t have. Online gameplay adds a lot of complexity to any game, and maybe I’m not far enough but I already spent an hour and I don’t see a reason for this to be online only. Well now I kind of do, because of course, there’s a Battle Pass and a cosmetic store. As much as I enjoy the game, I still have to call this out because there’s no reason for that, and it’s probably the only reason this game is forced to be online only. It would have been nice to see an offline-only character for people who don’t care about the MMO aspects because there are none.

Pick this up if you want a Pokemon game but also to be able to play it online. There is supposed to be co-op available here, and the MMO isn’t horrible, I just don’t understand why the game needs it. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to play more of this game. There’s just something that works well with the Pokemon formula and works well with TemTem in the same way

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

If you're looking for a Pokemon like game that's a fun time, then look further because this ain't it. This was such an incredibly mid experience.

Bizarre game design choices that just make it feel like a slog, I genuinely had more fun with Sword and Shield

Uninteresting. Go play Pokemon instead lol

Really wanted to like this game, but it does just feel like a Pokemon knock-off, and a mediocre one at that.

just basically a knock off Pokémon which isn't bad my only problem is that the typing match ups make no sense

El acercamiento más próximo a un MMO de Pokémon. Aún lejos de la meta

Good if you're like me and lack the nostalgia for pokemon but want a pokemon game with a crunchier version of those systems. The creatures are cute too, which is important.

better than any pokemon game made in the past 10 years

pokemon but the gamme is focused around double battles

A really good "pokemon like" game.
A bit more stategic and vastly more difficult in the story mode. I loved the temtem design and variety.
Too much grind and back-and-forth in the story.
Maybe i will do some pve endgame activity for the fun :)

A ton of cool design decisions I wish Game Freak would implement in their games, this game is cool but held back by genre conventions and lack of focus. I was entertained for the time I played it, but I haven't gone back in years.

sorry but i hate the stamina thing,besides that everything is pretty much ok

Ta guapardo, el arte es precioso y es jodidillo :)

A surprising anti-imperialist story and a bright vivid world are just enough to actually make this a viable contender in the world of monster collecting games. What really holds this game back is actually how the game is scaled to work as an MMORPG.

This game is noticeably more difficult than basically every other creature collector there is on the market right now. But the difficulty is only heightened by how difficult it is to level new Tems you will add to your party. Trainers and Dojo leaders are typically a much higher level than wild Tems. But there's no area to grind trainers. As such you're left with fighting wild Tems to grind but the exp gain is horrifically low y comparison.

Grinding 12 hours fighting Tems I can one shot just to get one member of my team to lvl 100 so I can have a slightly better shot at beating the final boss of the story isn't really the way I'd like to go.

This game has been in early access a long time. It feels as though the devs are using this as an excuse to no longer support story expansions to the game and instead focus on a lackluster battle pass and pvp.

The appeal of something like Pokemon is how expansive the world is, and this game is really missing the mark by not going forward with expanding theirs.

Just as boring as Pokemon with the added element of being forcibly online and having a shit framerate

cute but abandoned after hitting a really steep difficulty curve that felt like more work than it was worth to get over. however it's been a few years since then so hopefully the balance issues have been fixed! i may come back someday.

Lo disfrute, jugue sus horas pero pudo ser mas de lo que es.

O jogo é legal, apesar de ter algumas coisas que me incomodaram, sendo uma delas a campanha arrastada que se alonga demais, e também senti falta de uma maior quantidade de golpes pra variar mais os movesets dos temtems. Uma coisa que gostei é que as mecânicas de batalha não são um simples "copia e cola" de pokémon, tendo algumas características únicas, como uma barra de vigor ao invés de uma quantidade pra cada um dos golpes. De forma geral, é um jogo que recomendaria apenas pra quem é fã e curte muito os jogos pokémon, pois mesmo tendo missões secundárias e outros conteúdos, provavelmente outro público além desse vai achar tudo muito massante.