Reviews from

in the past

Una actualización lógica del Windajammers clásico, adaptando a los mandos modernos y dando algunos pasos para mejorar sus mecánicas que caían bastante de cajón.

Los nuevos disparos son muy satisfactorios, la evolución gráfica sublime, algunos nuevos personajes súper interesantes y una gran variedad de tipos de partido que se han incrementado considerablemente.

Una gran "actualización", aunque no deja de ser un poco de lo mismo de siempre, que no es necesariamente malo.

A "fighting" sports game with an obnoxious barrier to entry

Solid game, not as good as the OG windjammers. Can see these games being fun to play with a couple of buddies and some drinks. Arcade style disc toss game almost like a fighting game but not quite. They are definitely unique.

a sequel to the greatest fighting game ever made, and it lives up to everything its predecessor was

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for May 2023, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before June 6th, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

An Arcade Sports game, a sequel to the original.

On Neo-Geo, there was an interesting game called Windjammers where players would fling a disc back and forth to score points. Windjammers 2 came out of nowhere reviving a game that had a cult following. This is like a HD remake of the original, now with online play, and the same arcade mode.

Did you notice I didn’t say they made it better? This feels very much like a remake of the original, and I’m sure fans of both might be able to point to different pieces, such as four new characters and such. However, they also are the target audience. This game doesn’t have a good tutorial, amounting to about 20 static images. The Main game is just a line of battles with three difficulties, where nothing is explained when you reach the bonus games, and online is just play against an opponent and that’s it. The problem is there is enough strategy to the game that it could have used a small tutorial mode, but it’s clear the developer made this a very bare-bones experience, perhaps because if it wasn’t trial and error, it would be even more straightforward.

Pick this up if you want to play a sports game against friends. The computer is way too good at the game, but also, playing through the game against the CPU will only take 30 minutes once you’re good enough. This is meant to be played against other players and online had only 5 players when I started the game. Play this in local mode, or maybe just play something else.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Non ho esperienza col primo gioco arcade purtroppo, quindi non posso fare un confronto per sapere se c'è stata un'evoluzione interessanto (ho però letto commenti poco lusinghieri). Di per sé, comunque, mi pare abbastanza bilanciato e divertente, sia se giocato con una IA di difficoltà medio/alta che in PvP. Non proprio il tipo di gioco che mi tiene attaccato, comunque

Dotemu haciendo lo que saben hacer, una secuela/remake/homenaje para uno de los mejores juegos de su generación. Tiene todo el feeling del original pero añade suficientes alicientes para considerarla una secuela de pleno derecho, al mismo tiempo que no torpedea ninguna de las bases ya establecidas.

Al online soy penoso.

Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. Either way, I had no idea why. Stuff just happens. It's Pong, but irritating.

This is the most fun I've ever had with a frisbee.