Reviews from

in the past

This review is entirely for my own sake. You are welcome to read it but it may or may not contain spoilers for the whole game.

I went in expecting a Majora's Mask type of game. I got an adventure game with some player time-travelling and timeline manipulation. Sadly ended up being way more linear than I had imagined. It was still cool to change events by doing certain actions in past chapters, but the fact that you control multiple characters means that they end up doing actions that make no sense and benefit them in no way whatsoever in order to help someone else in the future without them even knowing how or why.

I did enjoy that one of the events in the middle of the story of the first main character is locked until very late in the game, creating a great deal of intrigue as to what happened, time to create theories, and finally unlocking it leads to a satisfying twist and the opportunity to alter the bad fates of the rest of the cast.

Regarding the mind-map/hint system, I am very grateful for its existance. I did try and succeed to figure out what actions I had to take on which events, but its presence helped in the later half of the game when the amount of possibilities got too intricate and helped aleviate some of the moon-logic adventure games are infamous for having.

The story was entertaining and finding out how all the characters were connected was fun. And being able to learn more about their backstories by gathering collectables was as satisfying as solving some of the puzzles to get them in the first place.

Overall, I do not regret having played it in the slightest and would recommend it to most adventure game fans.