Reviews from

in the past


Art & music is what carried this game as well as the multiple endings.

Characters weren't engaging - story also wasn't particularly engaging - it was just very self-righteous and whiny...

Picked it up for like £6 in a sale so can't complain too much. Kept me busy for a few hours.

I love the style of this visual novel, i love the quick choices the player has to do, it gives you this feel of urgency that let you immerse into the story. The characters are really really good, i loved everyone and the flow of the story is really good, i don't even know how a visual novel of 3-4 hours can convene that much of the characters and story. I don't even remember how i found A Light In The Dark, maybe on some list on steam or whatever but this is a rare pearl in the ocean.

Vote : 9
Time held captive: 3 H 8 M

Новелла с интересным сюжетом, красивым артом, но довольно скучным саундтреком. Треки часто повторяются и ничего особого в себе не имеют.

Copied from my Steam review:

A really well written story with interesting and sympathetic characters and gorgeous art. While rooting for the supposed antagonists the game even got me to like the main character despite disliking him for the longest time. It's a mark of good writing, steering your perception around like that. Going for all the endings feels absolutely worth it, but I do recommend using a guide for it.

✔️Tested on Steam Deck, works fine (10/12/2022). Touchscreen is needed for almost everything. For me, 'A' button hides the text, R1 shows the log and L1 advances text.

I loved the art style in this vn. The format is also pretty cool and fits the story really well, forcing the player to make choices quick as if it was a real life situation. Characters can feel a bit plain but overall it's good vn.