Reviews from

in the past

we're never getting a sequel are we?

si durase unas 2 o 3 hs menos, estaría genial pero lastimosamente se hace muy largo y tedioso cerca del final del juego

I love survival horrors in space, and this one sits somewhere between Dead Space and Callisto Protocol. Not nearly as long as people say, took me only 8 hours to beat.

Really REALLY love this game. The visual and sound design is so stellar, and every encounter with the Alien feels scripted because of how good the animations and AI are. The only thing keeping the game from getting five stars from me is the difficulty spike near the end, I started feeling more annoyed than scared when the Xenomorph would show up.

You really can't pick a better time to replay this excellent game with the new movie being released this summer and 1979 original being in theaters right now.

Incredible game still almost 10 years in counting which adapts the first installment pitch perfectly right down to its atmosphere. Probs the only horror game to genuinely scare me because the ai they use for the xenomorph is so good. Crafted so many genuinely intense and memorable encounters on this playthrough alone.

El inicio es maravilloso, con una atmósfera atosigante... llegada la mitad del juego es cuesta abajo y sin frenos. El bicho ya ni asusta

the ideal horror game, really. what they don't want you to hear is that the pacing of this game is good, actually

Yeah it's called Alien Isolation because I'm isolated from the alien the whole time.

Impossible de retrouver ces sensations une 2e fois et ça me brise le coeur.

one of two games to ever actually scare me.. bit boring at times but it scared me when few others did.. though i was a kid at the time

Good God this game was atmospheric and gave me so many feels related to the first movie. Also, good God those damn androids scared me more than the alien.

"Breaking News: Intergalactic killer dildos with spiky tails are running rampage on a satellite. Connection may be shitty until the issue is solved."

The best Alien game, and one of the all-time best horror games.

Rewatched the original Alien in cinema last week and it made me think of this. Both absolutely masterful in their respected artforms! The level design is used so sneakily against you and the threat of the alien is unmatched. even when he's not in the set piece, the atmosphere is more choking than actually being in space. Totally awesome and somehow IGN thinks this is a 5.9 (they're unreliable and wrong).

Chulísimo cómo está diseñado, aunque a veces puede ser bastante injusto y lento. Pero las situaciones molan y son variadas

I guess I never ranked this on here, but this was the first horror game I really played to completion. Before this, I thought myself too afraid to get into the genre. And this game scared the shit out of me at the time, I'm sure it'll have less of an impact on me now, but it holds a special place to me being my 'introduction' to horror games. Its tense, atmospheric and interesting to explore. The sound design really got me when I played.

Has some pacing issues. It takes too long to get to the flame thrower and is too long overall. Would be a perfect 8h game, but for some reason it's 20h.

"Alien filmlerini hep sevmekle beraber çok korkunç bulmamışımdır. Sonuçta uzaylının neye benzediğini ne yaptığını internette azıcık zaman geçiren herkes istemsiz şekilde öğrenir; malum popüler bir seri sonuçta. Ama filmlerde alamadığım o korkuyu bu oyun bana dibine kadar yaşattı. Paranoyak etti beni, bir sağa bak bir sola bak aman tıkırtı çıktı aman geliyor. Oyun zor ve tek hatanızda ölüyorsunuz. Yaratığımız öldüğünüzde bile aynı yerdi spawn olmuyor ve sürekli sizi diken üstünde tutuyor

I initially dropped this game years ago because I was too jumpy and also kept dying to the alien. After a recent binge of the Alien movies, I decided to give it another shot, and I’m really glad I did. It’s extremely frustrating at times, but this is worth enduring for the pitch perfect recreation of one of the best sci-fi worlds of all time. Everything from the suits, the cassette futuristic tech, the music, even the weirdly complicated mechanisms to open doors and operate machinery; it's all represented with such a care for detail that I never got tired of. The game is also genuinely scary, usually from unscripted moments where the alien or synthetics will catch you off guard and you have only seconds to react. Things get much more manageable once you have access to more weapons and tools, but I still found myself jumping in my seat in the back half of the game. I wasn’t a fan of some of the resource management, and sometimes sections can drag or feel repetitive, but if you’re in the mood for some Alien, there’s nothing better to play.

Alien Isolation is a great survival-horror packed together with an interesting story and a terrifying nigh-invincible antagonist stalking your every move. Level design is tight and well thought out with plenty of room for a smart player to maneuver themselves safely amidst the constant alien threat.

A lot of the more interesting environmental elements and storytelling take a backseat once the Alien comes into play since after that you never really get any time to take in the area. This is a plus on the survival-horror side but for me takes away from the exploration aspect that I tend to enjoy from these games.

Graphics are surprisingly great for a 2014 game with some of the best lighting and reflection detail that I've seen even today. Audio design is also amazing with some great performances from the voice actors alongside a stunning soundtrack that while sometimes drowning out important sounds (like footsteps for instance) always intensify the already terrifying atmosphere.

Yeah I really enjoyed this game. Though I can't say I was ever a massive Alien, Predator, or AVP fan I will say that this is the best game to come out of that mix of franchises and far exceeds your typical movie-game tie in. At least in my eyes it definitely does its franchise justice and is a must play for fans of Alien or just survival-horror fans in general.


Uma verdadeira aula de edição de som, Alien Isolation faz uso criativo e inteligente de seu material original, capturando perfeitamente a sensação de medo e incapacidade do primeiro filme.
O gameplay não foge muito dos clássicos Survivor Horror, mas nem precisa, a perspectiva em primeira pessoa e a impossibilidade de realemente causar dano ao Xenomorfo só reforça o sentimento de fraqueza diante do Alien.
A história segue um formato cinemático que funciona muito bem com a franquia, a conexão feita entre a personagem principal e o primeiro filme é inteligente e não mexe com os eventos do filme. Alien Isolation oferece uma experiência de terror autêntica, agradando não apenas fãs da franquia, mas também amantes do gênero.

bem divertido, uma das melhores inteligências artificiais de inimigo já feitas, jogo tenso demais!

Nunca senti tanto medo com alguma coisa, o sentimento de solidão e agonia é assustador. Acho que esse é o estilo de terror que mais me pega e realmente acaba com meu mental kkkkkkk eu tava com medo antes do alien sequer aparecer. Experiência absurda. Isso tudo é falando sobre o começo e metade da história, a sequência final do jogo é muito decepcionante. Senti que todo esse sentimento de medo desapareceu e restou um jogo de terror esquisito. Seria mais legal se a protagonista conseguisse fugir no meio do jogo ou sei lá, pro foco ser mais na experiência de ter algo te perseguindo sorrateiramente.

I think, especially when it comes to horror games, they shouldn't overstay their welcome. This one just stretches it out way too much, and by the end, it just feels like a drag. It's a real shame.

Não deu pra mim kkkkkkk
Simplesmente me caguei completamente.
Não tem como, pelo menos eu tentei. 3 horas foi o que eu aguentei. Se o jogo fosse curto eu até me forçava a continuar, mas vai tomar no cu, o How Long to Beat fala que tem 18 horas a campanha dessa caralha, não tem como.

Best horror game I've ever played. I played well after the release and it still holds up so well for a game made in 2014. Would not recommend the hardest difficulty or else it'll really start to stall out and hamper the enjoyment

Very well crafted game that I think is made for someone else.

This game's strongest moments are those of horror. The seconds where you're completely helpless, hiding from the Xenomorph, listening to all the little noises it makes and everything around you to try and keep track of it. Figuring out what times are safe to move and what times you need to stay put. All of that stuff is great.

Unfortunately after dying a couple times it quickly becomes more tedious than scary. I'm no longer afraid, I'm annoyed and I've just seen the same Xenomorph kill animation for the fifth time. All of the tension is deflated as soon as I die a couple times.

Add that along with the fact that the dialogue, while not awful, reads as pretty uninspired and the fact that the stealth sections featuring humanoid or android enemies feel worse to play means that I'm not going to keep playing to see what Amanda Ripley gets up to next.

3 estrelhas ate o momento (não verei ainda, mas pretendo zerar.)