Reviews from

in the past

I used to play this game when I was a kid (my pc spec was 256 mb ram, celeron processor, 40 gb HDD and the operating system was windows xp). So, you can see this game is very old as a result you might face crashes while running it on windows 8,8.1 or 10 . That's why you need set this game to run as an administritive and compitable mode in windows xp ( service pack 2 or 3).

About the game
Simple old-school arcade top down shooter with RPG elements and it's really fun to play. Easy missions : just shoot aliens, turn back electricity to enlighten the floor and activate the doors, collect money and ammos by breaking boxes, collect dynamytes to blow up alien dens, buy guns as well as armor, ammos or skill points like other rpg game.No one can judge this game before playing it.

- Need to set to run in compitable mode.
- Highest resolution is 1024x768 ( but in my eyes it's not much of a problem).
- No steam overlay support ( Can't take screenshots because of that ☹️).
- No steam achievements + No trading cards.

It's one of the best games of my childhood.

This review contains spoilers

Fun little shooter with lots of carnage.

Alien Shooter is a fun little game with lots of chaos, gunfire and tiny, blown up, alien parts scattered around the floor.

It follows a simple story, in which a military complex is attacked out of the blue by hordes of hungry and vile aliens. You, a nameless badass, need to defend the base at all costs and wipe out the alien scum. You got many weapons and explosives to your disposal to fulfill this task. Gear up and let’s get to work.

You got a story mode in which you clear ten missions. They increase in difficulty and every mission, a new type of alien is introduced as a mini boss, before becoming regular enemies in the levels that follow.

Besides this, you also got a survival mode, in which you must survive as long as you can. This becomes very hard, very quickly and only the most skilled player will survive longer than ten minutes as far as I can tell.

Throughout the maps, various upgrades, ammo, health pickups and cash are present. They are well balanced and keep the game challenging.

The graphics look nice, especially for the era this game came out. It is a top down perspective with 2D graphics that almost look 3D. The best part is that all the carnage, blood and alien parts stay on the ground, reflecting the heavy fighting that just took place. It is so epic to walk through the blood red corridors, searching for the last survivor of those motherf… The backgrounds are all nicely detailed and give you the feeling that you are actually fighting in buildings and offices, instead of blank corridors or open fields.

The amount of aliens that can be on the same screen is impressive. More than a hundred can be attacking you at the same time, without slowing the game down or losing overview of the situation. Again, for the time, this is very impressive.

The music is excellent. It has creepy ambient themes to build the tension, and once the horde is unleashed, the music shifts to blood pumping action to aid you in your onslaught.

The controls are fluent and aiming, running and shooting all works perfectly. This is one of those games that makes you feel in control of the situation by the responsive controls.

Alien Shooter uses some RPG mechanics in which you can upgrade your arsenal and skills. You can upgrade your health, buy new weapons and increase their damage. You can also collect various tools like flashlights and battle drones to do the dirty work for you. It is a nice addition.

For the low price, and the nice, adrenaline pumped experience you get out of it, I really liked Alien Shooter and would recommend it to everyone.

Я высоко оценил игру из-за принадлежности к жанру изометрических шутеров. Alien Shooter - моя первая такая игра и она мне зашла как надо. Да, это обычная спинномозговая стрелялка на рефлексы, но в обёртка у неё потрясающая. Месилово дикое. Куча мяса на экране и общая динамика задают дичайший тон. Чистый экшен на стероидах. Я такое люблю и игра доставила адреналина сполна. Большего от неё и не требуется. Но это первое впечатление от знакомства с жанром. Может, если я когда-нибудь ознакомлюсь с ним получше, моё восхищение Alien Shooter чуть спадёт.

Absolute classic, but the last levels are insane and you have to move at a snail's pace to not get shat on

Very fun and amazing game when I was kid and even today I can go back and play it dozen of times

Very fun gameplay and was amazing to play as a kid.

Possibly the most direct title of all time, Alien Shooter is a very simple isometric shooter where you go into a facility and kill hundreds of aliens. As in, hundreds at a time. It's not big or clever, but it's mindless fun.
Also worth noting that this is specifically a review for the Steam version; the GOG version is the original, unfixed version that crashes whenever you use a item automatically used when your health hits zero. In other words, you literally have to do a no-death run. So, avoid the GOG version and get the Steam version, it does the bare minimum in not crashing.

rememeber downloading this on a 2012 youtube pc low requirement games video,scary af but fun

probably the first PC game i ever played (not counting microsoft games) and yeah, it's still fun af

Good old shooter! it's a no-brainer: you have to shoot huge alien hordes, your character can upgrade stats and weapons, it's a short but difficult game with high replayability. And its gruesome and beautiful in its glory overwhelming gore.

Фановая, ненапряжная, но очень простая и короткая игра на два часа. Хотя в детстве так не казалось)

Çocukken korka korka oynardım, birkaç gün önce steam'da olduğunu fark edip aldım 2 tane de dlc var. çocukluğuma dönerek harika 5-6 saat geçirdim. mükemmel oyundur alın oynayın

Not great but nice game. Has the energy of a newgrounds or cereal box game from the basic gameplay and budget graphics that I find really endearing. A bunch of the steam reviews mention they played this when they were a child and that just feels kind of sweet, like this is such a "played on my Dad's 2005 Windows XP computer, where the only other games were Lego Island and The Sims" type game and I like that.

It also doesn't feel like its wasted too much of my time. Other similar games like Vampire Survivors will advertise itself with "Over 50 hours of content!" but I think this kind of mindless, number go up gameplay just gets depressing after a few hours and I reached the end of this game's campaign just before that feeling was setting in.

i got it for 39p on steam and it's called 'Alien Shooter' that kind of sums it up honestly

very surprisingly playable! would have absolutely loved this in the early 2000s. a very videogame-ass videogame.

Buen juego si te gusta la acción rápida y los juegos sencillos donde vas a grindear aliens.
Las armas se sienten bien, al igual que el sistema de progresión.
Si tendría que achacarle algo, sin duda seria lo corto que llega a ser y su repetitividad, sin enemigos entrañables ni momentos memorables más que cuando acabas con media población alienígena y puedes ver sus cadáveres dispersos por la sala.