Reviews from

in the past

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 8: Mega Cat Studios 1

I've barely begun and already im sort of low key dreading parts of this collection. I love indie games and homebrew development, I really really do... But I am also so super aware that for every amazing hidden gem, you have about 5-8 other games where the developer just doesnt have the skill, money, manpower or vision to really deliver something thats worth the time and effort to get running properly.

Almost Hero is exactly this. It wants so hard to riff from the likes of River City Ransom but it forgets to actually implement half of the systems properly, resulting in a real lack of moves and abilities, slow ploddy gameplay and a difficulty spike like a brick wall. It takes way too long and you have to play far too defensively to make a dent into being able to get any money to afford upgrades.

Even with the upgrades it feels like a slog to actually play.