Reviews from

in the past

An online game worth pulling all-nighters for

A military simulator. Quite old tho.

bushes shooting at you and killing you simulator
game that makes you realize that you won't last even an hour in a real war
fun if you have a party of friends with you
DLCs are crackable via DLC unlocker
many mods, I personally recommend Antistasi which is essentially rebel simulator where you steal ammo trucks, conduct ambushes, capture villages with population of 3 people and get shelled with white phosphorus and helicopter death squads
absolutely dogshit optimization, almost impossible to play without heavy modifications

- Graphics are a bit boring but overall ok
- I didn't really enjoy the gameplay, too complicated for nothing but creates fun moments
- I found it quite difficult to play

Modlarıyla başında güzel vakit geçirtti ama hala aradığım şey değil.

Really janky and old but highly fun with friends. Watch out for the DLC though, the monetization in this game is put front and center.

Amazing graphics, super in depth and fun campaign. Need to pick back up at some point.

This a great game, with an insane amount of replayability. I have played for 50 hours and only scratched the surface. I just got done with the main campaign but there is still loads left I could try. I have a lot more campaigns I could do, scenarios, challenges. That isn't even mentioning the workshop or multiplayer (which I still have yet to try). There is so much to this game. It does suffer in two majors areas though in my opinion. The first is performance, it's shit... (especially with mods). Second, the game doesn't do a very good job at teaching you things. There is a lot of detail and intricacies, which means that sometimes you will try to do something (like laser guide artillery using a drone) and it just... won't work. You will try everything to have it work, look at the in-game guide, look at the wiki and you just can't find a clear answer. Forums are vague and community guides are long-winded or non-existent. Despite this, it's a very good game once you get the hang of it. However, for the first 5-15 hours you will feel like you are just dying from nowhere until you get the hang of things and actually learn to use cover. A lot of the game is actually just about finding where the enemy is in the first place.

being silly in rp is so silly

Simulador de lobby, entretanto, divertido

I really only play solo editor and zues my own missions then remote control. The scale and realism of situations you can create in insane. I love this game.

The best part of this game will be always be speaking to the strangest of humans in voice chat.

Lieutenant Sillaste does fart sounds, says slurs, and sends us to our death. Would play again

I can't get the servers to work but I'll get around to it

terrible ending, great gameplay

jank as hell and horribly performing and also the forever love of my life. i don't know if i'll ever be into a game again as much as i was into this one

shit game, really really good community support

eu amo o multiplayer, mesmo sendo xingado pelos russos.

really cool but seems overly complicated

В такие игры надо играть на релизе, а не спустя 7 лет

the level of jank hit the sweet spot. was ridiculous enough to be funny when playing with the boys, but never hit infuriating level

Escapism but for people who hate Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.