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in the past

Bom game, meu primeiro assassins creed jogado. Ezio é um protagonista pica e a história é muito boa. Como joguei em 2023 a gemplay ficou um pouco datada pros dias de hoje, mas é completamente normal

I loved everything about this game, from Ezio's striking personality and his very engaging story, I liked the maps and I don't know why but they give me a good and relaxing vibe doing parkour on them (when there are no guards behind you) I would give it 4,5 stars but unfortunately the combat is horrible and dated and makes any confrontation a nightmare.

Would give it a 9 but the controls are clunky

Insane how far this game has fallen from grace in my eyes. Loved it in 2009 and felt it was a huge leap as a sequel. Revisiting it shows it as an ugly follow up to the really solid original, not only from a design perspective but visually too. Massive drop in visual style somehow, with new half cooked mechanics duct taped on that feel like they only work 25% of the time.

jogo muito bom, história muito boa porem com um mundo aberto e mecanicas datadas, ainda é um bom jogo mas possui partes irritantes. ainda sim recomendo

L'écriture d'une séquelle est, de ce que j'ai entendu d'auteurs et d'autrices, un exercice profondément difficile. L'auteur-e sait ce qu'iel a aimé dans son oeuvre, mais quand est-il des lecteurs et lectrices, des visionneurs et visionneuses, joueurs et joueuses ? Doit-iel alors s'orienter pour pallier les critiques faites à l'oeuvre originelle, ou bien doit-iel plutôt miser sur ses forces et continuer sur sa lignée ? La première option peut faire perdre l'âme, l'originalité de l'idée de départ, mais elle promet aussi moins de friction avec les masses. La deuxième est un choix de conviction qui peut finalement ne rien rapporter, mais rester sur sa lancée, sur son projet reste admirable.
Dans le monde des jeux vidéo, plusieurs séquelles sur des consoles comme la NES sont reconnues pour leurs particularités ou, au contraire, pour leur absence d'innovation. Pensez aux deux versions de Super Mario Bros 2 : celle japonaise, "Lost Levels", est diablement difficile et orientée pour défier les joueurs et joueuses ; celle américaine, "Doki Doki Panic", est tellement différente que nombre d'ennemis de la série Mario viennent de ce jeu original! Heureusement, les deux options restent aujourd'hui disponibles et sont culturellement reconnues toutes deux comme une suite, une pierre angulaire pour leur série.

Pourquoi ai-je pris le temps de développer tout ceci avant de parler d'Assassin's Creed II, premier jeu de la saga d'Ezio Auditore da Firenze ? Eh bien, parce que ce jeu est... particulier pour de nombreuses raisons.

Sur le plan narratif, on passe d'une exploration philosophique et théologique de la folie, de la libre pensée, du libre-arbitre et du contrôle vécue par un homme né Assassin, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, à une histoire de vengeance, de développement émotionnel et professionnel d'un jeune Italien charismatique dont les émotions sont claires. On remarque déjà une grande distinction autour du personnage central, mais aussi en ce qui concerne les thèmes du récit.
Non seulement l'aspect narratif a changé, offrant presque un protagoniste de film d'action à la Indiana Jones, mais le simple fait que le jeu offre maintenant des sous-titres pour toutes les langues de jeu, un HUD dans les - rares - sections du présent, des entrées dans l'Animus pour s'intéresser à l'Histoire de l'Italie et à son architecture en plus de la disparition des discussions entre Desmond Miles et Warren Vidic déloge l'aspect philosophique au profit d'une histoire simple à suivre, manquant de complexité une fois qu'Ezio pose pied à Venezia la belle, mais probablement plus intrigante et agréable.

Non seulement le narratif a changé, mais l'aspect vidéoludique aussi, avec des missions moins répétitives, misant sur une variété autant dans les zones et villes explorées que dans le style.
Pourquoi ne pas passer d'une infiltration d'une villa grandement protégée à l'escalade de multiples tours protégées par des archers à éliminer au préalable pendant qu'un prêtre fou scande des psaumes par peur de la mort qui s'approche sous une capuche blanche ?
Ou encore une séquence en chariot assiégé par des cavaliers et archers qui cherchent à éliminer notre héros, séquence suivie d'une petite mission d'escorte d'une femme en gondole pour obtenir accès à un traversier ?
Ou encore prendre en filature un messager rapide pour lui voler son armure et ainsi se déguiser et se fondre parmi les ennemis d'Ezio et ainsi atteindre sa cible ultime, Rodrigo Borgia, homme qui deviendra sous peu pape ?
La variété des objectifs non-optionnels de ce jeu est une joie et une belle expérience, quoiqu'elle retire le côté "ombre" des Assassins du premier jeu pour miser sur un côté plus "action" qui ne peut que plaire à plusieurs.

Mais le parkour, oh le parkour! Demandez aux vétéran-es de cette série et iels vous le diront : "Classic Creed" est une joie pour sa maniabilité et les séquences de parkour sur lesquelles on peut tomber! De bas en haut, de gauche à droite, le jeu nous pousse à expérimenter, à trouver de nouveaux chemins, à s'améliorer. Avec une ville simple comme Firenze à la belle Venezia toute en hauteur en passant par Forlì la sombre et aqueuse, le jeu propose différents environnements, tous uniques, et cette pluralité environnementale complémente à merveille le parkour raffiné depuis le premier jeu.

Globalement, ce jeu a des défauts, notamment les deux séquences DLC aujourd'hui obligatoires pour finir le jeu, séquences clairement moins pertinentes que celles de base, le système de combat qui peut devenir lourd par moments dépendamment des compétences acquises par Ezio ou encore le contenu optionnel qui ne mérite pas vraiment d'être vécu, sérieusement ces contrats d'assassinat sont ennuyeux. Pourtant, ce qui est là, ce qui est raffiné reste pertinent, intéressant, agréable. Ce n'est pas pour rien que Bugisoft a décidé d'exploiter cette franchise comme elle l'a fait, la laissant léthargique au passage : AC2 est vraiment une gemme, une relique d'une époque encourageante et pleine d'innovation dans la sphère vidéoludique. Ne prenez pas mes critiques pour des insultes, mais pour avertir que ce jeu s'est distancé de la vision originelle de Patrick Désilets, offrant un meilleur jeu, mais avec de simples lacunes narratives et thématiques.

(Review from Jan 2020) A classic Assassin’s Creed. Great story, memorable areas and characters. A little aged though. The modern day bits are kind of weird and long now but I still have a soft spot for this game. It would be a little better if some of the feathers weren’t as hard to keep track of, and if it didn’t pad out side quests with endless assassination missions.

You can't be more gamer than EZIO AUDITORE DA FIRENZE.
Back when Ubisoft was good.

This game made me fall in love with Assassin's Creed franchise

Platform: Xbox One (Via Xbox Series X)
Date Started: July 6th, 2022
Date Finished: August 26th, 2022
Time Played: 14 Hours

"Get it over with."

Assassin's Creed II is pretty ridiculous - while the original remained quite grounded in its approach to storytelling and game-play, this sequel ups the ante in genuinely ludicrous ways, which kind of sets the course for the series moving forward.

Ezio is initially a complete goofball who can do next to no wrong; I found him near insufferable for a lot of my playtime and, additionally, I found the rest of the cast of characters unmemorable, too, from the bland villain to the silly supporting crew, none of them stood out as interesting. Mercifully, Ezio does have quite a bit of growth and ends the game a lot less annoying than he is for the first three quarters, which shows a strong arc, setting things up well for a more mature character in the second and third instalments of the trilogy.

The traversal is solid fun initially, but slowly gets tiring once you reach Venice and it becomes a chore to climb around - for obvious reasons. The environments and locations are nice looking overall, and the atmosphere of the world here is good, too - upgrading the villa is an excellent addition and I really liked the options for armour and weapons.

One of the biggest offenders in Assassin's Creed II is the quest structure - the majority of the main story missions feel like side jobs, fillers, fetch quests and boring tasks. Gathering things, freeing people, trailing guys, it's a real chore, especially so when you reach chapter 13 and are forced to do 9 dull assassinations in order to proceed to the final sequence.

I'm very much looking forward to moving onto the next entry into this series. Hopefully Brotherhood can and will build upon the game-play and storytelling of this one to make a much more well-rounded and polished experience.

I'm a massive fan of the Assasin's Creed franchise so I am pretty biased. With that being said this is potentially the best game in the franchise, it takes all the best elements of the first game and improves them. The freerunning, combat and social stealth are all improved along with the loadout that your character has access to. On top of that Ezio's story is more personal and much more relatable than that of Altair many people consider Ezio the best protagonist in the series and its easy to see why. He's charming and grows alot through the journey of the game going from angry and brash to wise and determined. The music of this game set the tone for the entirety of the series and Renaissance Italy is a gorgeous area to explore. Additionally despite being historical fiction this game takes some of the greatest steps to ensure the accuracy of the environment of the game out of any in the series. Alongside all this the true story of the game that takes place in the modern day ramps up and reveals more layers of intrigue to build on the mysteries set up in the first game. Assasin's Creed 2 has easily the best combat in the entire series perhaps barring Assasin's Creed Unity, or Origins(which a was a massive departure from the classic combat system). It more polished than the previous games combat and adds new weapons to your arsenal and options on how you use them, the animations are stylish but not over the top and most importantly there is a level of challenge that would not be present in the series for many years to come. It is not too particularly difficult it is easy to grasp but difficult to master, with the result being that once you do master it you feel massive sense of accomplishment and skill as you face crowds of enemies that would have made you flee up the side of a building earlier in your lets play and instead dispatch them one by one with the finesse of a true assassin. Unlike in subsequent games starting in brotherhood and continuing until the release of AC Unity where a simple counter kill lead to an endless button mash where you chained kills together in a stylish but ultimately boring and unrewarding montages that is not much better than a cutscene quick time event.

This review contains spoilers

Assassins Creed II is one of the main staple games for me I'm the AC universe. This game is one of the strongest entries and most fulfilling games Ubisoft has ever produced. Playing this on the Xbox Series X with the new FPS Boost for the Ezio Collection version was a blast.

What was also nice was how quickly I was able to play through the game. With Sequence 12 & 13 automatically starting in the game after S11 was a lot nicer than the Animus glitch that was caused by them being unreleased DLC at the time.

The final sequence is one of the best as it gave that first twist ending about the Isu. I was sad that my fight with The Spaniard was not more eventful as I beat him quickly.

This was the first AC game that i played, and i absolutely loved it. The story of Ezio is one of the best in the entire franchise, because is well written and makes you connect with the character. The parkour improves from the original along with the combat. The cities are beautiful crafted and along with the environmental music, its a joy to run across them. Maybe there is no much variation in mission and the side content is lacking, but its a fantastic game and a great entry point if you want to begin with the franchise

Probs one of 2 AC games i actually liked

played this on xbox 360 as a kid and it made me fall in love with florence. replayed it this year and i was still impressed by its beauty

complete evolution in the series perfect in almost every way


Sehr viel cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese~
Guter Start in die Ezio Trilogie. Ezio wird hier großartig aufgebaut, erlebt aber eine (fast) durchgehende Handlung, die mit sehr viel cheesige Klischees behaftet ist.
Ah ja, Sequenz 13 ist ass.

I love this story so much and for that alone would probably be a 4.5/5. But because of how frustratingly clunky this game is and its poor pacing towards the end knocks it down a bit.

Played as part of the Ezio Collection. A smidge buggy but so much better than the first in every way

By far my top game of the entire ac series. (Valhalla is currently the newest game 27/8/23).
- The characters were very fun to interact with
- The maps were fun to explore
- full sync wasn't too hard to achieve
- It was fun to upgrade your estate to get more passive income
- Ezio was a very charming main character
- All side missions were enjoyable
- Gear upgrades made a noticeable difference to the combat difficulty.

Cannot recommend this game more, its just fantastic in every way

One of my first full AC experiences and 2 is by far my favorite of the series so far, next to Unity, black flag, and Syndicate, this game has a great story and even better stealth gameplay, assassinations are so satisfying to successfully pull off and that feeling never fades regardless of what point in the game you're in, amazing through and through.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

SIMPLESMENTE UMA PEDRADAAAAAAAAAAAA vtnc que evolução do primeiro jogo pra esse nossa senhora