Reviews from

in the past

Finalmente giochi dalla parte dei templari.

Assassin's Creed Rogue is such an interesting twist! You play as a Templar, hunting down Assassins – it makes the story way more unpredictable (which I loved). Sailing your ship, exploring the North Atlantic, that classic AC stuff is just as fun as ever. It does get a little repetitive, and I wish there was more variety in the environments, but overall, if you want a unique perspective and a fresh dose of naval combat, Rogue's a solid outing, especially for long-time fans of the series.

This game is incredible, it shows the bad side of assassins, and presents mechanics like AC IV, which is great, the only problem with this game is that it seems to be so fast, in a bad way, in IV, you felt every moment, and the game was huge, in that sense that's what prevented Rogue from being a perfect game

Story 2.7 | Gameplay 3.5 | Audio 5 | Visual 3.5 | Details 4 | Entertainment 4.5 | Open world 4.3

Total 3.9

Assassin's Creed Rogue is the last generation side release next to Assassin's Creed Unity. Serving as a prequel to AC III, Rogue explores how an Assassin initiate, Shay Cormac, turned against the Assassin Order in Colonial America and wiped out the Assassins.

Gameplay is extremely similar to AC IV Black Flag with sailing, climbing, and combat. However, Rogue adds new elements like gas grenades and icebergs to make combat amd exploration much more interesting, and it does very well mixing in these new elements. Sailing is still basically the same, so if you liked it from AC IV, then you get more of it. Renovations make a return in Rogue, using materials looted from other ships to contruct buildings to generate more income. Similar to the forts in AC III, there are gang headquarters scattered throughout the world that you can take over and use as a base of operations. Also, I found Rogue to be much more difficult overall than other Assassin's Creed games, which is a nice change of pace from always being overpowered against every other enemy.

Rogue's story is definitely one of the strongest in the series, providing a relatable character Shay, as he experiences that the Assassins aren't always the "good guys", and the Templars aren't always the "bad guys". Shay struggles as he believes in the Templar cause, but has to come to terms and fight against his former brother and sister assassins. This story fills the gap on why the Assassin Order is all but extinct during the events of AC III. Also, the modern day segments are minimal and dont' provide much new if you've played other AC games. Overall, Rogue delivers a very different story than the rest of the series, and that makes it one of the best.

Rogue keeps on par with visuals just like AC IV, but with the added ice and snow elements. The game performs smoothly with little to no visual hiccups.

Despite having an exact replica of the AC IV exploration mechanic, navigation is much more of a hassle in Rogue. One sailing area in particular is very frustrating to navigate because it's a long winding and narrow river that just makes me want to fast travel everywhere, almost cutting out exploration.

Overall, Rogue is a fresh new idea in the series that performs well and is definitely worth playing through. The story is drastically different and keeps the intrigue as Shay goes from Assassin to Templar. However, most people probably didn't play this game since it came out with Assassin's Creed Unity, which is highly unfortunate.

Good concept, bad execution

It’s black flag 2 with a story that falls off after the prologue. Solid game though

This is just a lesser Black Flag with a winter theme. Sure, it's still fun, but it's just a lot buggier with worse missions and a lackluster plot that does nothing with it's defining gimmick. So, like, just play Black Flag.

core gameplay is as fun as black flag however the world is so shallow and depressing it saps all joy from the gameplay. story is so forgettable its insane, don't let this game fool you, you play as assassins pretending to be templars fighting templars pretending to be assassins.

the assassins don't occupy neighbours and extort the locals,

Talvez, agora foi o pior jogo da seria assassins creed que joguei.
Não jogaria de novo.

Foda pra caralho mané, fodasse se é cópia do anterior, shay é o cara

Muy buen juego, aunque su historia peca de corta y apresurada y muchas cosas se sienten mas como relleno.

gostei, mas não gostei do cara virar casaca pros templários

The Game Is Amazing not as good as black flag but also good

rogue is the pinnacle of the ac series, the new perspectives it grants and the combat make it the perfect ac game

Basically a Black Flag DLC. Real shame that the air rifle was never brought back in the future games though.

Frank freebie from Ubisoft. The weakest part of the trilogy about annoying sea voyages.

Откровенная халява от Юбиков. Самая слабая часть из трилогии про морские надоедливые путешествия.

Ta vamos la é bem interessante o como ele liga varios assasins diferentes, e como ele funciona tambem o fato de ser o unico que mostra o lado ruim da irmandade dos assasinos entao é bem interessante porem por ser rushado falta mtas melhorias para se tornar algo tao incrivel como o black flag

Xbox Series X Retrocompatible

Cool spinoff I guess. Interesting to see the world through the eyes of a Templar.

AC rogue por mais que seja muito bom e com uma história diferente ele não inova em nada, são as mesmas mecânicas de Black flag o que pra mim é um problema

Esse cara é um viado, um baitola

mesmo esquema do Black Flag mas aqui a história é igualmente boa e o protagonista é ótimo também, só não dou 5 estrelas pq não tem o traje da capa e do trailer, vsf ubisoft.