Reviews from

in the past

Este juego si es dificil.

Las mecanicas son simples. Te atacan por la costa, tienes tropas, y las mueves por casillas. Ya esta.

Pero ostia puta si eran duros de roer los putos vikingos.

Il est ok je suppose mais vraiment pas mon type de jeu

A relatively simple but far from easy and very satisfying strategy game where you use your archers, pikemen and swordsman to defend a series of small islands from ship-based attackers who come in increasingly challenging and complex shapes and sizes as you travel across the map. The simplicity in this game design is the key but that doesn't stop it being very repeat-able. Great fun

a sort of rogue-lite tower defense made for mobile. it's cute, fun, and easy to learn tho it lacks some of the depth necessary to play it for more than an hour or so.

I recommend getting it on mobile.

really neat art style, wished I played this game some more. Having to restart from the beginning when you make a mistake is frustrating.

Very cute game and fun to look at and play.

I only spent a few hours with this game to win a run, I unlocked about half the unlockables, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an absolute blast. I could barely put it down, such an interesting fusion of rts and roguelike with simple but satisfying mechanics. Highly recommend.

razoavel,não chega a ser ruim.

The best Mobile RTS you've ever played. If you're a fan of the genre you'd be silly to not at least try this one.

Check out our book club style gaming podcast, Garbage Game Club on Bad North -

dificil pra caralho mas podia ter mais fases :(

Nice overall style, not my type of game though

The Roguelike that keeps on forgetting to actually make your runs different

Милая такая небольшая игрунька, я играл на компе, возможно больше подходит под планшет. Управляешь 4 отрядами, защищаешь острова от варваров. Довольно долго я проходил «кампанию» — играть вроде и прикольно, но и надоедает. Сложно сказать, есть ли тут replay value, она вроде как 'рогалик', но что-то второй раз меня проходить пока не тянет, есть ощущение что я уже всё увидел. Может потом, хай лежит.

Played for 30 minutes, got bored, closed the gamea and never opened it again, but it was fun while it laster

Game with a very beautiful art and easy to understand the concept but it gets boring quickly

A simple, fun, and honestly kinda cute (despite all the blood and death) rogue like. Honestly plays pretty similar to FTL, but much simpler and in an entirely different genre.

The simplicity absolutely works in it's favor here, with it being really easy to pick up, play a campaign or two and then set it down. The sense of progression is really rewarding, and the gameplay is varied enough to not get stale quickly. Planning and strategizing isn't as key here as it is in other roguelikes but is still important.

Overall it's a short, fun game and I can absolutely see myself coming back to it many times.

Looks great, with simple but engaging mechanics. Some settings and metrics are not explained and I still don't understand what they mean. Levels get harder either because of bad guys are stronger or come in quicker waves, or the islands are harder to defend.

However, after a while you reach a groove and even with multiple squads to manage the game could really do with some additional level of complexity. So close to a 5 star, with just a little more variation.

One of both the best RTS and best Roguelikes I've played in AGES. The simplicity works only in its favor, eliminating my one major complaint about the genre which is overbearing tutorials. Feels AMAZING with a controller, and frankly doesn't have much of anything I would criticize about it. Shocked by how much I loved this.

Cute and very well made. It's very nice on the Switch.
While polished and well made, for me personally, it doesn't entertain me for long.

Bad north takes the concept of strategy games and only takes the core parts of it to make a minimal game with beautiful graphics, great sound, excellent design, excellent gameplay and some difficulty.
Bad north is an excellent strategy game that will give you hours of gameplay and fun, highly recommended.