Reviews from

in the past

Jogo interessante que me foi dado de graça e depois disso comprei as DLC's (que são baratas na Epic) divertidissimo para jogar com mais 3 amigos... Vale a pena cada centavo, mas você vai demorar um pouco pra entender como funciona se não ver nenhum vídeo.

the rats are actually a threat

como descrever esse jogo...
essa porra é muito legal, tipo MUITO legal... exceto que é somente pelas 3 primeiras partidas.
ele é MUITO repetitivo, tem muitas conquistas (eu ainda não platinei, mas vou), porém é extremamente cansativo, cada run que você faz é uma parte do seu corpo que vai embora.
é muito dificil começar, e depois fica fácil pra caralho.
poderia melhorar muito, mas tem um lugar no meu coração

🎵Who Can it be Now🎵~ A boulder with a fedora ~

I had a lot of fun playing this in multiplayer!

When it comes to dungeon crawlers and roguelites/roguelikes, I typically turn away from playing them. Games made in these two genres are —more often than not —some of my least favorite games, requiring countless hours of grinding and replaying lost levels.

However, Barony exceeded my expectations and has become one of my most replayed games recently. The classes are fun to explore, the gameplay is difficult but doesn't make you want to tear your hair out from frustrating instant kills, and the skill system makes changing up tactics fun. If you're tired from the genre or are apprehensive about trying these types of games like I was, I recommend giving Barony a shot.

Decently fun game that gets turned even more fun with friends.

Extremely fun game to play with friends, many classes, many races, many floors to explore and many monsters to kill.

Barony is a fun dungeon crawler to play with your buddies. This game allows for multiplayer and this review will focus on that, while there is single player for the game it is a worse experience, Barony is a muliplayer experience first and foremost

TLDR: fun multiplayer game to play a few rounds at a time 8/10, singleplayer: 6/10

Barony is a simplistic dungeon crawler where you descend down into the aforementioned dungeon and try to reach the bottom and kill the boss, every few levels the theme changes and new enemies are introduced. The game features 13 classes to play from with 8 more being available with the game's 2 DLCs. You and 3 friends can pick classes and delve into the dungeon.

The game features 16 skills which depending on your class have different starting values and max out at 100, an example is a warrior starting with 0 casting and magic but having a 50 in polearms and 25 in blocking. As you delve into the dungeon these raise by performing the activity.

The combat is simplistic but isn't the main focus of the game, death is a very common thing in the game and if you are not careful you will die whether of starvation or to a trap, In most playthroughs you have to carefully go through a level while managing your hunger and items and certain levels require you to quickly get to the exit or face a quick death. There are also secret levels each with a theme and a certain level of challenge. The game also allows for cross platform play with PC and switch players, and when entering a new level autosaves allowing for you to quit and continue the game at another time.

Overall Barony is a fun dungeon delver to play with friends, as a multiplayer game i would rate it an 8/10, its fun to chuck on for a few games with your friends but isn't a revolutionary game. As a single player experience I would rate it a 6/10 it is definitely not how i would recommend playing it however if you find it fun then go ahead.

Zerei com um amigo, e devo dizer que inicialmente ele é BEM difícil por não saber a mecânica do jogo, dá pra morrer muitas vezes pra literalmente qualquer coisa nas primeiras horas.
MAS depois que entende o jogo e pega o jeito, fica bem jogável e gostoso.
Tive que reiniciar a campanha 26 vezes antes de finalmente conseguir terminar na 27ª, então é compreensível a dificuldade inicial assustar os novos players, mas não desista que é recompensador, e melhor ainda com um amigo, dei vááárias risadas de um jogo que nem é pra ser engraçado.

The game itself is quite fun but some of the mechanics very tedious, and it's also one of those which have built a community which would rather say shit like "haha skill issue crying about bouldlerdsdsdas in 2032323 xDDDDDD"

Worth a try if it interests you, but it was lacking something for me.. maybe better combat.

A highly customizable rougelike
Many classes/races/setting you can change to tailor the experience. Autosaving and respawning so playing with 4 people can be a perfect cooperative experience.

muito sacas terminar o primeiro boss e ter todos os humanos querendo te trucidar se vc não é da mesma raça

It's overrated to be honest. Progressing through the stages I don't really find my character getting an stronger outside of leveling up because the gear you pick up through most stages isn't better than what you start with... Also getting one shot for no reason is a really fun roguelike mechanic

Namoral! Tô dando uma nota até altinha pro jogo pq ele é muito legal de jogar co op. Então jogamos três pessoas num co op local e foi muito divertido literalmente três pessoas tiraram pelo menos umas 2 horas do seu tempo corriqueiro pra se divertir nisso.
O jogo é limitadíssimo! Mas foi divertido pra causar confusão em alguns andares com o pessoal com medo de morrer pra alguma armadilha.

Got this on the current spring steam sale and was pleasantly surprised, its a great coop game. I'm genuinely shocked I'd never heard of it, because it's really a game for me.

feeling like boss early on then im literally newborn against nuclear bomb

Cool first-person take on Nethack, but instakill boulders are total garbage. Fun in multiplayer.

From immersive sim to dungeon crawler to roguelite barony is quietly one of the best games of all three of the genres. If you played arx fatalis and got fascinated with the fact that you could make bread and watch the dough rise. This is the game for you. The game provides a complex rpg system designed primarily to be broken and used to your own advantage. With runs being able to finished in 20 minutes and get so complex they can last hours on end. Classes like shaman and conjurer and races like goblin and succubus have unique abilities and traits that force you to change your entire playstyle. It’s a game you can sink hundreds of hours into. If you like rpg’s and dungeon crawlers and are looking for something to sink tons of hours into. Play this.

Joguei com algumas pessoas, mas me pareceu complicado demais.

I can only really describe this game as charming, in almost every aspect.

Art Style: Charming
Music: Charming
Gameplay: Simple and almost archaic but it works for this game, very charming.

But I also believe this believe would not suffer in it's charm factor if there was more DEPTH to the combat which is literally what this game is all about. As it currently stands, I liken many of the melee combat scenarios in this game to two boulders crashing into each other, and with all of the different classes and weapon types I just wish there was more of a felt difference between the combat scenarios.

Regardless the combat works well enough that it doesn't make the game annoying to play or make the game too easy to play.

However I must mention the UX with the inventory, the hotbar , and the dual hand system is in desperate need of a rework because constantly having to open your inventory to move stuff around on your hotbar gets REALLY annoying.

All around very fun with a friend but not sure if this is really a roguelike I would play by myself.

Okay game solo, I imagine it gets better with friends.

Super fun to play with friends. The variety of the classes and the big amount of items makes it really fun to replay. Still haven't finished it but i played it a lot and i still want to keep playing. The music is pretty bad tho.