Reviews from

in the past

Not just the beat-em-up, the stealth oriented preying-upon-armed-goons angle was such an insanely COOKED creative choice to embody the caped crusader. Attractively gothic detectivism that turns into a reverse-survival delight through seismic punchy combos and techno-noir sleuthing. So tonally splendid you'd groove from the ceremonial pacing running from one villain showdown to the next and game over screens down to the badass slow walking, gets a bit formulaic with far too easily readable boss fights to the point of unchallenging linearity, still takes a conceptual blast of comic book roots through amazingly ominous sequencing including a mindbending Scarecrow that toys around videogame metaphysics to amusing effect and a toolbox of crafty sneaking made particularly priceless when seeing the last armed guard running around while panicking helplessly. Solid pacesetter.

Meu primeiro contato com esse jogo foi quando eu era bem pequeno, por volta de uns 4-6 anos. Eu estava vendo meu tio jogar fracassar em uma boss fight, e as telas de morte do jogo me deixavam apavorado. Alguns anos depois, decidi enfrentar os meus medos, e não me arrependo nem um pouco dessa decisão.

O jogo se inicia após mais um confronto entre o Batman e o Coringa, terminando com o palhaço capturado e sendo mandado para o Asilo Arkham. No entanto, isso tudo fazia parte do plano do mesmo, que planejou uma revolução em massa dos pacientes do asilo. Através do game, você enfrentará diversos vilões clássicos do universo do Batman, tentando conter a loucura do lugar.

Os principais pontos positivos, na minha opinião, são a atmosfera e o loop de gameplay. O jogo encapsula perfeitamente os delírios existentes no ambiente, mostrando como um espaço cheio de criminosos e lunáticos realmente seria. No entanto, em nenhum momento você sente como se a tarefa fosse impossível, já que o homem-morcego possui diversas habilidades e equipamentos a sua disposição. O game pode ser divido em três categorias: o combate, as seções de stealth e a exploração.

O sistema de combate é baseado em ritmo, recompensando o jogador por apertar os botões na hora certa, e não apenas spammar o quadrado. Você também possui um medidor de combo, que permite a utilização de habilidades especiais, que ajudam nas batalhas.

Já as seções de stealth se baseiam, principalmente, no posicionamento estratégico e na utilização efetiva dos equipamentos. Com a visão de detetive, você pode analisar a trajetória de seus inimigos, e planejar de qual maneira você derrotará cada um deles, sem chamar a atenção dos outros adversários.

Por fim, a exploração também utilliza da visão de detetive para encontrar pistas e seguir vestígios, além do ganho e da capa para a movimentação no asilo.

No entanto, o jogo também contém alguns problemas, sendo principalmente afetado pelo uso excessivo da visão de detetive e boss fights fracas. Em diversos momentos, o jogo te penaliza por não manter a visão sempre ativa, o quê acaba prejudicando a visão dos ambientes, já que o modo possui um filtro azul que impede o jogador de ver todos os aspectos dos locais. Já as boss fights são, diversas vezes, extremamentes repetitivas, seguindo um formato de enfrentar vários inimigos normais e um mais forte, ou se baseando em apertar diversas vezes um botão.

Mesmo com esses defeitos, acredito que Batman: Arkham Asylum é a perfeita introdução para a franquia Arkham, também servindo como uma apresentação do Batman como um todo. Foi por causa desse game que eu comecei a acompanhar o personagem, expandindo meu interesse para filmes e quadrinhos.

(Eu morria de medo do Crocodilo, do Espantalho e do Bane)

The demo for this game is an all-timer. A Batman game with some Metroidvania elements to it that somehow manages to have fun stealth and combat mechanics feels like a miracle. In some ways I think this is still the best Arkham game simply because it's not open world.

Nothing feels quite as good as landing a punch as Batman.

True beginning of the well known arkham universe that treaded a path for future videogames circulating around the comic superheroes.
The greatest part of the 1st Arkham entry has to be the combat and stealth system - both really simple in their construction yet so satisfying that allows for lot of freedom thanks to different gadgets and their usage.
Very linear in terms of stroytelling with some good moments, like Scarecrow effect that introduces some intertesting horror parts into the asylum.
Unfortunately the boss fights themselves ain't that good - every one of them is basing on defeating goons just to hit the boss with batarang or some other bullshit.
The biggest failure is the final boss. Felt like devs had no idea for any more bosses so they just stripped him from anything exceptional and now he is just another big guy (Bane also could be the final boss and there wouldn't be any difference in terms of gameplay).
Good game but in my humble opinion just overrated.
High hopes for Arkham CIty.

Super entretenido y bien de duracion. Tengo pendientes los demas pero este muy satisfecho.

um pouquinho datado em comparação aos outros mas me divertiu muito ainda assim, a ambientação me lembrou até outlast em certas parteskkk, as cenas do espantalho são as melhores.

I don't know why I give Batman games such a high rating, I'm not even that much of a Batman fan, but the games awaken something in me, it seems like all the games are extremely fun

Super fun, even after playing the later Batman games. This is the game that laid the foundation of the Batman game mechanics. The combat feels good and sneaking around silently taking out enemies makes me feel like the real Batman, which is exactly what most people want in a Batman game.

Man I played this game when I was much dumber than now (not much of a difference tbf). I remember it being really fun, but not as good as the sequel. Maybe Ill play it again some day

God, I hope City and Knight are good (I have high hopes)

this is so close to a perfect game

This was an excellent an influential game. Its combat proved to eb very influential. Combine that with the environmental puzzle solving and metroidvania exploration, and you've got a game I would much rather return to than say Arkham City's open world.

Graphically, it holds up pretty well thanks to its slightly stylized art. It really nails the look and feel of a Batman comic circa 2009. Its atmosphere is also unparalleled in the series. It borders on a horror game at times, especially if the Scarecrow sequences haven't been spoiled for you. The only thing preventing it from being a perfect game in my opinion are the bosses. All of them are very basic, and the final boss is so obnoxious that it sort of hindered my enjoyment of the ending. Still, this is the best comic book game ever made, in my opinion, and well worth your time even now.

Great story, but it doesn't have any side missions besides collecting riddler trophies

jogo sensacional, a estética sensacional, te passa aquele sentimento sombrio e o esquisito dos quadrinhos. e o combate que foi a base pra muitos jogos

El primer juego de la saga. Su manera de introducir la atmósfera tan cargante de Arkham junto a la tranquilidad de saber que somos Batman lo hace maravilloso

Arkham Asylum feels like the ultimate Batman experience! You're locked in with some of Gotham's most notorious villains, and it's up to you to use your detective skills and fighting prowess to take them down. The atmosphere is incredible, the free-flowing combat is tons of fun, and gliding around as Batman is just awesome. It's not perfect - some of the boss fights can be a bit frustrating, and there's not a ton of open-world freedom. But overall, Arkham Asylum nails the feeling of being the Dark Knight, and that's pretty darn cool.

Why did jonkler do that? Is he stupid?

Good fun, played it years ago and have very fond memories of this game despite the fact it's quite outdated.

Ещё одна переоценная игра из нулевых

It's a very primitive game, but that's almost a strength. The atmosphere is very, very good and the story flows very nice throughout the entire playtime.

El joker, o como le decimos en mi país el guason, está bastante atractivo al final del juego.

I appreciate this game a lot more after a replay. The "horror" aspect of the Arkham games peaks in this game. Predator sections are pretty repetitive but that is remedied later in the series. Still my least favorite out of the main trilogy, but still really good.