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in the past

Loved it! I always like to play as other characters and specially with a whole story behind it. Although, I think the story could hit better, with its topics about not being good enough to replace Batman and stuff, if Two-Face wasn't such a cartoon in the main games (notice it's plural, YES, I'M LOOKING TO YOU TOO, ARKHAM CITY). Otherwise, it's fun, and the predator map is really cool!

I FUCKING HATE BALD PEOPLE GRAHHHHHHHH (also this dlc is really short, not that fun, and Two Face gets treated like shit in this series and I hate it)

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O duas caras com uma pistola destruir um escudo que aguentou uma sniper estragou a história da DLC pra mim. Muito forçado mas eu gostei do mapa. Pena que o Robin aqui não passa de um Batman com menos gadgets

only dlc i never finished. just frustrating

Slightly better than GCPD lockdown story-wise, and it has my favorite Batman villain Two-Face. The only problem is that it's 15 minutes long.

I spent five bucks on this.

As I played through the final DLC episode for Arkham knight, I could not help but feel Rocksteady was giving their best “we’ll give it 60%” type of effort. Much like the NightWing episode before it. You have a decent time on your hands here. Though ultimately one only hard core Bat fans would enjoy.

Robins sole predator segment is one of the coolest in the series, right off the bat you’ll have your detective mode disabled, and you’ll need to memorize the massive map before hunting down the guard with a jammer, who is several floors deep. For the first time in the entirety of Knight, the Fear Multi takedown actually feels like just another tool rather than an overpowered insta win aimed at the lowest common denominator. This map is filled to the brim with guards and you’ll want to thin the herd as quickly as possible to get your bearings and search for the guard with the signal jammer.

Once both problems are dealt with, you’ll find out you have a few glass ceilings for gels, but your much more risky, yet viable option is to place remote mines on guards you just took down to detonate later. The balcony heavy design of the map encourages you to risk semi exposing yourself in order to set up these quick and thrilling mine placements. It’s the highlight of the DLC and I can see some people going back to replay this section.

If you managed to save a fear takedown, the next section will be one of the most rewarding puzzles in the franchise. Where after blowing up a mini gun mook with a gel, you then need to disable the right turret, fire of your fear take down when the other turrets are at the apex of their vision cones, and then quickly disable the other two sentry guns. It’s a nice puzzle a good break the previous episodes usual cheaper predator and free flow only segments.

There’s a set piece after where you need to use Robin’s riot shield to move towards a sniper in a hallway, and it’s as boring and uninspired as it sounds. You then are thrown into a free flow segment where you are provided plenty of baseball bats to blow through defences before jobbing Two Face with a QTE in a cut scene. It’s rare for me to play a game where 50% of the game play is mediocre, but this is one of them.

It’s a massive missed opportunity to not have some puzzles or mechanics centred around Tim Drake’s detective skills. In the comics Tim is a better detective than Bruce Wayne. I’m disappointed yet not surprised this aspect of the character wasn’t explored, as the season pass is more concerned with providing a little more of the same every few months to keep a customer engaged, rather than take the opportunity to actually try new ideas with well established fleshed out characters from the medium it’s adapting.

For the final time, you have yet another bland story to move the game play along. Robin needs to stop Twoface, and he does. His insecurities about living up to Batman’s legacy are told in throwaway lines that can be interrupted by thug dialogue, which is funny all things considered, but it really feels that the “we are tired of this IP” feeling that permeated Knight is at full circle here.

There’s of course no new music either, I’m at the point where I forget if these games even have an OST to be honest. The bland orchestral stuff will just be mush in your mind for better or worse. It was never a strong point for the series and this final episode makes no effort to improve on it.

The strong visuals are on full display here. Sparks fly and shine in the mesmerizing god rays. The museums busted structures and maggot infested trashcans give the feeling of a city yet again on the decline, and the mid day setting really makes the fantastic texture work pop,

The Robin Episode is worth playing if you enjoy good level and puzzle design. There are two excellent examples here. But the (thank fully short) second half is a clear message that Rocksteady just did not care anymore and wanted to move on to other things, I can’t really fault them, as Asylum was only their second game, yet it’s monstrous success trapped them in Bat Hell for five years. You’ll get one last pretty stealth game with decent combat in this episode, and while it’s 15 minute playtime makes sure it never overstays it’s welcome, it’s only worth it for hardcore Batman fans.


Este DLC se complementa con el de Batgril, nos muestra dos etapas de la relación Batgril-Robin, si bien es corto, la relación entre ellos y los diálogos le dan cierto valor, de nuevo, una forma más de decir que las cosas están bajo control sin Batman.

esse tim da série arkham é tão broxinha

é legal de ouvir os dialogos dele com a barbara só é foda que ele é cuzão com ela

like the dlc from arkham city fun but i wish it was longer.

It certainly exists. The story of Tim trying to prove himself as his own hero while constantly being reminded of Bruce is interesting and a plot worth exploring in something that isn't just 15 to 20 minutes long.

Super corto y bastante repetitivo, no es como los otros episodios de Arkham, este es demasiado básico y predecible.

Muito bom, essa DLC apresenta o Robin(Tim Drake), indo atrás do Duas-Caras após a "morte" do Batman.
O level design dessa DLC é incrivel, a parte de predador é muito boa, o combate direto é a parte mais fraca, mas dá pra deixar de lado.

What if you wanted to catch Twoface in like 5 minutes.

Link to my Arkham Knight review -

Nice, a DLC where you play as Robin and don't end up playing as Batman for half of it. Basically Robin has to stop Two-Face from doing something, they never really explain what. I am probably bias because Two-Face is my favourite villain but I liked this one a lot. Still not worth the money but its pretty decent.

За компанию тоже дали длсишку, нормально...

Plusy: ładny projekt poziomu, fajne cutscenki, Robin przekomarzający się z Wyrocznią
Minusy: krótka rozgrywka, wysoka cena

It’s fun, just gotta make it longer.

a furtividade desse jogo é impressionante

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The dialog between Tim & Barbara was nice but the DLC was otherwise average.

Decent story to this one, but I'm really let down by how short all of these DLCs are (besides the Batgirl one).

Why did I play all of these character DLCs? They add almost nothing to Arkham Knight beyond needlessly extending your time with it. The Batgirl one at least had some heft and a space to explore - this feels like scraps by comparison.

Mostly a nothing DLC, but it at least has a worthy story behind it with Robin out to prove that he's not a little bitch.

15 minutes, I finished this in 15 minutes, the one DLC out of all of them that probably could have more story and character development but NOPE.