Reviews from

in the past

My very first experience with first person shooters. It was impressive back then, and still holds up today.

Using the Wolfenstein 3D engine, a great variety of enemies witht heir unique death animations. Levels are full of secret passages, bonuses and resources we need to complete our dangerous missions in this James Bond meets Star Wars universe. Too add a little touch of spionage role playing, there is a silent gun we can use to take down enemies while being stealthy, and we can also interrogate informants that will randomly give us hints or resurces, but be careful! Some of them might be loyal minions of the bad guy Dr. Goldfire and shoot you in the back! Althought the weapon variety is not very high (just 5 types of weapons in total) each one has it's own utility, making us swap weapons depending the situation we are facing, which makes combat very fluid.

Excellent example on how to make a good game with a limited engine.

This blew my mind a little when I first played it, since I don't think I'd played Doom or Wolfenstein 3D yet. Loved the sci-fi aesthetic and the simple pleasure of blasting bad guys. Don't think it's held up as well as Doom, but I remember it being good fun

Everything like this got wiped off the face of the universe the second DOOM came out, obviously, but this is a meaningful improvement on WOLFENSTEIN 3-D and pretty damn good in its own right!

Good art, good (goofy) sound, interesting ideas like items in boxes, enemies lying in wait as items, teleporters, a goddamn MAP ... not everything works perfectly (like the enemy who can get stunned and then get back up) but it all hangs together and makes for a fun time.

I remember playing this as a kid post-DOOM and not really giving it the time of day. I imagine that's more or less representative of the entire gaming public, lol. And that's a shame! It's much better than I expected, revisiting it.

A mediocre derivative of Wolfenstein 3D, but proved how quickly the Wolfenstein 3D format took over the FPS genre. Coming out the same year as Doom certainly didn't help. I do give them points for adding an automapping feature.

Fond memories getting lost in this shooter as a kid.

This was made in the same game engine as Wolfenstein 3D, but with a huge number of improvements like floor and ceiling textures, one-way doors, power barriers, explosions with splash damage, and enemies that fake death. Stealth is actually possible using the silenced pistol in some situations.

Also, none of the pushwall secrets can be broken like they were in Wolf3D if you push them from the wrong direction.

This is a really good early FPS, although it was outclassed immediately as Doom was released exactly one week later.

There's also a great source port written by a Ukrainian gentleman:

Definitely worth your time if you liked Wolfenstein 3D.