Reviews from

in the past

Review EN/PTBR

The atmosphere is good
But unfortunately it's the only good thing, 60 minutes walking around a house and it only took me longer than normal because I used the keys to open a padlock and I didn't know I had to manually get the key back to open another door
but hey.... at least it's free2play right?


A atmosfera é a boa
Mas infelizmente é a única coisa boa, 60 minutos andando por uma casa e só demorei mais que o normal porque usei as chaves pra abrir um cadeado e não sabia que tinha que pegar manualmente a chave devolta pra abrir outra porta
mas ei.... pelo menos é free2play neh

didn't know where to go, got confused and uninstalled 6 minutes later. its free and still feels like a robbery

Blameless relied on its atmosphere to build tension, its investigative gameplay involving finding and using objects in specific ways to open up more of the environment. With that, it offered a mystery to solve with voice acting from the protagonist. I liked it for what it was, and even felt a little creeped out as I explored the map—I’ve always appreciated more subtle forms of horror compared to deafening jump scares.

While there were a couple of ways to reach its conclusion, the ending didn’t change; a minor criticism taking into account how small of a project it was. It can be completed in an hour or less, and is completely free.