Reviews from

in the past

One of the most fun competitive VR games

i only played this for 90 minutes with a friend who had played it for way longer and yeah it can be fun

It's great fun and the game mechanics work great. Even if they ain't that deep and get repetitive kinda fast.
On a positive side it's good exercise as well.

I have a Quest now and while I am mostly using it for VRChat because I'm a gay trans furry I do want to note this game, which is fun but has writing consisting almost entirely of memes old enough to drink. They use the word l33t. They have a "one does not simply walk into Mordor" in there. It's really something.

Honestly a really fun arena game that takes actual skill, but easy to pick up and play!

Wow this game is a, BLAST.
But it's also incredibly exhausting as it requires constant dodging and weaving to survive the onslaught of slow moving bullets while returning fire. It's a bullet hell in VR and idk if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but it works really well.