Reviews from

in the past

Engineer monkey is the best monkey. Fight me.

Macaco estoura balao

17 horas até dia 30/04/2024

Greatest second monitor content of all time.

Clássico dos towers defensers, isso aqui consome sua vida se você deixa. Daqui a pouco vão se criar pessoas que tem PTSD de balões

Jaja monitos que revientan globos, que divertido.

4 Estrelas porque é um otimo jogo, gráficos e ideias unicas, mapas e personagens(macacos) diversos com varias opções do que fazer, porem o ritmo é meio lento o que faz ser um pouco enjoativo

Esse jogo é muito gostoso de jogar e extremamente divertido, além de ser bastante desafiador

A fun TD with very different towers, this way having a huge variety of playstyles.

I really like this game, I think it's extremely fun, both alone and multiplayer, I love its community, and it's a game that receives frequent updates, and you can either play it in a more childish way or be very strategic, my only problem with the game is that if you want to platinumize a level, you have to clear it like 12 times in different modes, I find that so boring, or like, when you manage to win the level in hard mode, you still have to complete it in easy and medium

Macacos que matam balões.
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divertido porém repetitivo

Si no fuera un juego de micro transacciones tal vez seria mejor juego. Aprarte de que pasartelo entero es mas largo que el platino del dark souls.

um jogo muito legal, tanto para jogar sozinho ou para jogar com amigos

seguimos na luta!

Vakit öldürmek için harika bir oyun tower defence türünü sevenler kesinlikle denemeli

Baby sensory toy with substantial strategic depth. Very grindy in a good way.

This game took my life over senior year

If she won't play this wit me ion want her 🗣️📣❗❗

Bloons TD 6 will not say no to the amount of things you can put on screen, but your coughing wheezing computer will lmao.

I like the monkey ship. There is no reason I should have enjoyed this game as much as I did. Play with friends, this game sucks on single player ngl.

This game is very relaxing and something that i can keep coming back to when i'm bored. It's a stupid but fun game about monkeys fighting balloons.

Gameplay - 7/10
The game is very repetitive because there is only really one tactic that is worth using. However, This is somehow very addictive.

Graphics - 9/10
The graphics are simple and make it easy to tell the difference between the different monkeys.

Performance - 10/10
Its a 2D game about monkeys popping balloons. The game would run on a clove of garlic and still get 30fps. The game runs at over 1000fps on my fairly powerful PC (RX 6600 XT, R5 5600X) without any issues

Multiplayer - 7/10
There is slight input lag when playing multiplayer but that is fine because this is a tower defence game.

This game frequently goes on sale down to like £2, which is what I bought it for. This game is worth it's full price but what is the point in buying it for full price when if goes on sale pretty much every month