Reviews from

in the past

You can't stop Bomberman he can be anything, even a chess game.

Now here's something I wasn't expecting out of the Bomberman franchise, a turn-based RPG that feels more like chess than Disgaea. I have honestly mixed feelings about this game, it's not bad but it's not really good either, it feels more like a rough base of a game that could be great but was not really fleshed out.
The game is pretty straightforward, there's a chessboard and you have 4 units at all time, they can move and place bombs, every 5 turn the bomb explode and the goal is to kill the king, so yeah that's literally Bomberman Chess.
There's a total of 25 stages but honestly, it gets boring after the 5th one since they are pretty much all the damn same, and with how slow the animation is it feels like a total slog to go through the menu.

I'm not sure I'd recommend this game to anyone that doesn't care about turn-based games as this game will do nothing to them but if you do like some good ol' chess or something like Disgaea it's worth a try.
Here's a link to the fan translation of the game as it originally was a Japan exclusive: