Reviews from

in the past

I wish I could use the money in the game to get a refund for what I paid for because this shit is ass!!!

This made me feel even more sick with the fading screens, I couldn't get through much, but I loved playing the non-VR version of this game.

It looks great in VR with the art style. Additionally, it feels like the best way to play in many ways. However, combat becomes so difficult with the move controllers. It just is annoying to walk and shoot almost always and it kind of ruins so much fun of the game.

not functional, bullets shoot like 6 inches away from where they're supposed to

it was free with my psvr and it sucks

Despite Borderlands 2 being a great game, I have to rate this lower than I would, due to this being a VR game. Gearbox has done a decent effort in converting borderlands to VR, however you can still clearly feel it's held back by its origin. Rifles and other 2 handed weapons cannot be handled with 2 hands, making it awkward to shoot around a big gun and so I had to meet the game half way and pretend to make it feel somewhat normal. Sniper scopes have this weird camera that appears in front of the screen and do not feel good at all, thankfull thats a toggle but really hampers long range combat. movement speed is fixed and so any skill that increases movement speed is useless. Driving can feel awkward, no crouching, etc.

But most of all the biggest loss is co-op, this is a completely singleplayer game and despite having a history of playing borderlands both solo and co op, the new perspective can really make the game feel... lonely at times. I can understand why this isnt the easiest thing to implement, but I feel if this was a from the ground up VR game instead of a port, this could be an amazing co op experience.

To make up for the lack of co-op, a new bullet time like ability has been added which, while it can make a lot of the standard difficulty gunfights trivial, probably will make some of the end game bosses a lot easier to handle alone. the co-op based skills have been reworked and most interact with this bullet time, unfortunate that movement speed wasnt considered either.

All in all I had fun exploring pandora in VR, however if you want a fully fleshed out VR experience, this isnt it. Instead you get to revisit a fun game from a new perspective.