Reviews from

in the past

Finally another game to join Sonic 06 in the half star club. Bravo Team is the worst VR game I have EVER played, and its a first party Sony release! It's hard to put into words. It's basically a generic cover shooter with barely functional co-op, terrible shooting and zero interesting or creative ideas.

Every time you move up cover, the game throws you out of body and you watch a cutscene of your character moving. It's jarring, and further proof this is a PSVR tech demo dusted off to sell a few copies to desperate PSVR Aim owners. This node based shit might fly in 2015, on the Oculus MK1, but not in 2018.

It's a 40 dollar, Sony published retail release (that likely still rots in Best Buys nationwide) that is incompetent and hardly playable from the ground up. In no world should a game this bad be released. On the bright side, it has mediocre graphics when lots of PSVR games have bad graphics. That's the only positive I could find.

This feels like a tech demo that wasn't supposed to be released but was way after the vr came out.

i just played it because i bought the gun for the psvr...