Reviews from

in the past

It's been awhile since I last played this game, but it was tons of fun (and laughter). Subnautica in space. Will check it back out eventually.

It kind of boring in the end, but fun while it lastefd.

Couldn't get through the entire thing since the gameplay was boring. Exploration doesn't feel interesting enough and whole crafting system feels too complex.
If they simplified the crafting and maybe got rid of the "empty" parts of space that just exist to lock you out of progressing via oxygen. Or at least try to hide it better? I would try it or finish it.

Annoyed that they released a PS5 version with no free or even a paid upgrade

This game is reminiscent of a half-drunk uncle during a family gathering who constantly makes barely appropriate outdated jokes and winks and elbows everyone around for recognition: "Ha ha ha, got it?"

Yes, we get it. And, no, we don't care.

The game is very incoherent and inconsistent, both in terms of its narrative and the gameplay overall. Breaking the fourth wall is easy. Doing it in an original and interesting way for the player to keep their attention and not break the immersion is borderline impossible. I think this was the game's biggest mistake, which makes it stand out, but not in the best light.

With only a few solid and entertaining missions, the game fails at its core, with the narrative lacking any thread tying the pieces together. Sure, there were some very cute references (although many of them might be too subtle for people outside the post-Soviet enclave). But, again, players are not your distant nephew who are forced to seat through the nonsensical family gathering meal pretending to care about the non-existent narrative or express their fake excitement about the incoherent gameplay.

And exactly this, not the lousy humor, is what sets the game apart from titles like Subnautica, Raft, and Stranded Deep. The game fails to give me a reason to care about it and falls miserably short of convincing me to laugh at its jokes.

the chicken thingy seemed original to me

no lo termine pero lo poco que lo jugue me gusto parecia que tenia bastante y buen contenido

I'm gonna go back in time to stop the person that started saying it's "subnautica in space"

A progression survival game in space. I think the EA community shaped the first act to be like Subnautica. Fun overall, but some later parts really annoyed me.

normalmente descrito como "subnautica en el espacio"
en realidad es "subnautica si fuese una puta mierda hecha por redditors"

Bad humor in the dialog ruins the vibe of this game.

Divertido la primera hora, luego aburrido y repetitivo.

The humor is really really shallow and at some points just weird - might be your cup of tea, but it's not mine. The gameplay itself feels like a sad ripoff of Subnautica.

It's like Subnautica in space, but not as fun and the "humor" is awful.

Fairly enjoyable, having funny and stupid moments made me finish it, definitely the building and crafting mechanisms and the constant oxigen problem in the beginning of the game are the most annoying things, other than that, I very much enjoyed it.

A exploração é bem tediosa e cansativa, e o humor e bem 8 ou 80. Eu gostei de algumas partes e de outras não, mas no geral foi positivo.

The only reason the game makes itself playable is its sense of humor. Their sense of humor doesn't appeal to many, and at the same time their mission is to go somewhere, loot and return.

Played for a little while and felt lost and bored. Probably will pick this game up in the future, but for now it simply didn't grasp my attention.

Only got about 3.5 hours in and while I often shelve a lot of the games I play, something tells me I won't be coming back to this one.

Seems a very competent game that resembles a Subnautica in space, but I found the fourth-wall breaking humour to be incredibly grating almost from the first few seconds. Not my vibe.

You know how some games over-do the tutorial phase. These guys suck at it.

Well yes of course I’ll take Subnautica in space, thank you.

It doesn’t have that mystery and horror behind it which made Subnautica great, but it has it’s own charm made mostly from sharp humor and being meta. And to be fair, the survival game mechanics are only like half of the game, the rest is much more linear and story based I quess, which was also cool and refreshing.

Beautiful art design the whole way through, everything else is cool for like 2 hours and then its grating and disappointing. Im phoning this one in im so sorry fuck oh fuck

The humor singlehandedly ruins the otherwise fun game.