Reviews from

in the past

This game is okay? I guess?

You make you character, move through the rooms with enemies/loot/events.
The most important feature here is that the loot (armor, accessories, skills, skill runes) can and must be rerolled with the use of soulstones. So, it's basically a sort of a gacha game with even more gambling elements in it.
You enter a room, sweep the enemies and reroll the loot until you get a 3 or 4 or 5 star item/skill and hope that you can make some kind of a consistently working build with the given things. But rare skills have less usages, so you gotta have at least one weak skill for the frequent use, unless you fill all of your skill slots with one-shotting stuff and lucky runes and gear.
Can't say anything much about this one. Well, guess the art style does a pretty neat job in copying the Darkest Dungeon and, sometimes, Fear & Hunger vibes.