Reviews from

in the past

Incredible game with tons of depth. Great campaign loved the whole brain washing angle. Also had a great multiplayer with iconic weapons and killstreaks. Zombies was also at its best in this game.

Légendaire, le mod zombie c'est trop

the multiplayer was lacking compared to previous titles, but the Zombies were superb.

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was fire and this is electricity, unfortunately Infinite Warfare was the climate crisis, Vanguard was the rising global tensions and Modern Warfare 3 number 2 was Nuclear Fallout.

good multiplayer but zombies carry this game, was amazing with friends. peak shaking head emoji

Back when I was a freshman in college, I picked up this game during its original midnight release and pulled an all-nighter to complete the campaign. That was a wonderful experience. Didn't really replay it much, however.

um bom jogo de tiro, era horrivel mas me divertia muito


Probably the best campaign ever, i genuinely couldn't believe what i was playing, the story, the characters, multiplayer was sick. Definitely top 2 cod game
Activision this needs to be remastered asap

Call of Duty: Black Ops took me back to the Cold War in a way that was both thrilling and nostalgic. The campaign throws you into crazy missions with a mind-bending storyline that'll keep you guessing. The multiplayer was a blast too, with those iconic perks and killstreaks that everyone remembers. Sure, the graphics might feel a bit dated now, and the single-player is short, but it's still a classic Call of Duty experience. If you're looking for a tight campaign and frenetic online action, Black Ops delivers.

my head hurts from the seizure-inducing number sequences wouldn't recommend for the epileptics

my main issue was that black ops is really unoptimized even for linux, occassional FPS drops and there's no sound at all, had to use all types of flavors of Proton and Wine to make it work. Steam's Proton doesn't work at all and the one that has proper sound support ends up crashing the game when youre in a FMV transitioning to another mission.

Story wise, I think the game is okay, I don't like the Western narrative of Cold War and the Reznov part is sure annoying, kind of like Atlas with WYK in Bioshock. The sad part about COD:BO is that it was the start of Call of Duty becoming a cash cow for Activision because of MW2 and so on, every other game they thought they'd expect to see something good as an output, but in the end, this series has been dead since BO3 in my eyes.

All I really care about is the zombies mode and it’s really good, but the newer black ops games have improved on it in every way.

Tiene una gran campaña, excelente multiplayer, pero lo que yo más amo son los zombies, son los mejores de la saga

no le doy mas pero pq lo he jugado muy poco

Every time I see this game on my shelf I am reminded of my GOAT DestroyerOfMid.

mi piace molto la modalità zombie ma ho giocato più quella del 2

Played a little at friend's houses but never started the campaign.

Nuketown, Firing Range, Summit, Jungle, Grid.....
Famas, Galil, 74u, mp40....
The campaign was just unbelievable. Couldn't believe what I was playing each mission. Payback was a defining mission. That russian roulette scene was insane.
Escaping Verkuta had be going crazy.
Mason and Woods are my goats for life.
The zombies storyline truly became something special in this game. I must have played Kino over 1000 times.
Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, Richthofen 🐐🐐🐐🐐
Too many memories. Made some of my best online friends on this game.
Will forever be GOATED

Bom multiplayer, dias antigos a glória do COD.

" SR-71 ready for deploiment "