Reviews from

in the past

I'm not too fond of the changes made here even if there was some QOL made to make this a better experience than the first one.

The Power Fighters is perhaps better off dead with the likes of how 1 and 2 game out. The games aren't outright offensive, but what presents itself as a fighter is absolutely just a boss rush in disguise. There can be something said about the different paths you can choose and the addition of Duo compared to the first Power Fighters, but it simply isn't enough to make this game work.

Really, the tragedy here is that the Mega Man franchise would absolutely work wonders as a fighting game, and instead of trying something new and interesting, we just got the usual find the weakness of the robot master you're facing. By all means, Power Fighters does a bit to make the fights themselves interesting by adding in more detailed areas and giving the returning robot masters new sprite work and attack patterns, but it's just not enough to hold attention. There really isn't a move list to go by or any kind of Hadoken input to put in, it really is just jumping and shooting the whole time.

As well, Power Fighters 2 artwork isn't exactly on the level of most arcade sprite work at the time, and coming from the likes of Capcom that had series like Darkstalkers and Street Fighter, really just made this game feel lazy overall. And really, that's what Mega Man 2 The Power Fighters is, it's lazy. There is next to no charm with it, and the little features it adds compared to it's first game are so minimal that really it just feels like a "super" remake or a 2.0 of what they wanted the original to be. Would I want an actual fighting game with Mega Man and all his Robot Masters? Absolutely, but not like this.