Reviews from

in the past

Felt kind of like a Euro-trash take on Quake, like a Dusk v0.5 or something. Not bad, not great. Some spots were overly challenging in a not-fun way. I appreciated the many references to older shooters, like food / healing items popping out of the weirdest environmental spots, and the carnival & ticket-taker a la Blood. Would recommend if you're dying for a boomer shooter fix and have played everything else, but if you're new to the genre, it'd be more worth your time figuring out how to boot up older games before picking this one up.

Its a DOOM clone and not a good one at that. I recommend Chex Quest HD over this anyday.

Cute little shooter, but only the first episode is really worth playing. The other 2 episodes are just uninspired or filler.

There are way too weapons, you end up using 2 weapons 90 percent of the time (shotgun or shredder). The levels are way too big and the slow movement doesn't help at all.
There are a lot of enemy types, but the're almost all the same, the only variable being their health.

All this cumulates into a unfocused game with a lot of filler. The game's still pretty enjoyable, but you do get the sense it was made by one guy in like a week or two.

Unironically pretty good for its price tag. Sure it's kinda sloppy, but there's some good thought put into things if you know where to look for them.