Reviews from

in the past

Uma espécie de metroidvania. À princípio parece fácil, até você ficar 30 minutos perdido pelo labirinto. É divertido e tem uma mecânica bem simples. Controlar o pulo é infernal, mas é uma mecânica bem importante.

Muito legal me divertia bastante jogando na infância.

Weirdly floaty and imprecise, convoluted as all hell, annoying 20 second loop soundtrack, Castlequest doesn't have much going for it. And despite all that, I can't bring myself to hate it. I doubt I'll ever fully finish it, or even want to, but I have to give it credit for being charming in the weirdest way possible.

Platformer with some really floaty jumping than can cause aggravation.

I have beaten this game, though with the aid of a map that came with the game. I wonder what it says about the game that it came with a map that gives you the entire pathing you're supposed to take through the game to finish it in one go?

Bad sound, music, graphics, gameplay...only my tenacity as a dumb kid got me through that game. Well, that and a map.