Reviews from

in the past

This game is so unique, I love the way you can knock over pretty much anything. The only problem is that it gets very repetitive and boring, especially when you’re grinding for the “ultra mess maker” achievement. This game is easy to 100% and I love it for that, overall this game gets a 6/10. P.S. I took a massive break from this game to play assassins creed so it didn’t actually take me 4 months to complete.

Cute idea for a game and oddly satisfying. Lots of modes and collectables. While the game is fairly short on it's own, you can get at least 6-ish hours of content if you're aiming to see everything. Worth picking up if you want the experience of knocking things off of counters! (Trust me, you do.)

fica meio repetitivo depois de um tempo mas é bem legalzinho jogo mindless

Eu não estava esperando muito desse jogo, mas quem diria sair com um gatinho loucamente por casas (e museus e supermercados) derrubando tudo seria muito divertido? É um jogo em primeira pessoa que não demanda precisão, o que é perfeito pra alguém pra mim que não sabe jogar coisas em primeira pessoa.

Não tem tanto conteúdo pra ir jogar os outros modos fora da campanha e o jogo não é tão polido assim (em controles e interface), mas a diversão tá ai e funciona bem demais, principalmente pra quem é correto e gosta de gatinhos <3

Not the most complicated game but I had fun knocking things over as a cat.

Catlateral Damage (2020): La premisa es muy graciosa e interesante, pero el diseño de niveles y la progresión están tan mal hechas que al final no pasa de la mera anécdota. Los michis son graciosos, pero se hace repetitivo pronto pese a su corta duración (5,20)

A revision of the original title that leans harder into gamification both for better and for worse. The new stamina and upgrade systems make it feel like there's more to the gameplay, but quickly taper out as they each become maxed out, landing players squarely back where the last game started them, sans time limit. Overall it IS an improvement, but know that if you played the original, there isn't quite enough to revisit here. But new faces will have a bit of fun.

Fun short physics-based romp where you smack stuff off a counter and nothing more. The pictures of cats and the other animals were cute and funny. The physical copy I got came with a cute little handbook with pictures of the cats and the main developer talking about his childhood cat that inspired the game

I don't know, from what I vaguely remember of the original this feels like a step back. Replacing the time limit with a stamina meter seems like a good idea but it kills the energy the original version had, plus replenishing your meter in this is accomplished either by eating (which is quick and not much of a pain), or by waiting for a little animation to play of your cat sleeping for a good 4 seconds or so. Just long enough to be irritating. Add onto that a weird persistent perk system, and a complete axing of the semi-rougelite elements of the original? Not worth, tbh.

Calling it a Remeowster isn't entirely honest, it's more like an expansion. However, instead of the original game's time limits, you now have a stamina meter. This makes the game a more relaxing experience in exchange for the catharcism and rush of swatting things as a cat in the original. Despite the trade-off, it's an improvement at first.

However, the game becomes braindead, especially in the bonus levels, because if you prioritize upgrading this meter you can last far longer than anything in the levels can offer in terms of objectives so you just go through the motions at the end. I feel maybe mixing up what you do in levels more or having a time limit in some levels would be a way to spice things up.

It's still an improvement on the original and I still love the music.