Reviews from

in the past

Don't even care man those singing sections were fire

I remember begging for this game for Christmas, thinking it would be Nintendog but cats, and as a cat obsessed child, that was the ideal game. I opened it Christmas morning, I was ecstatic, and then played it the rest of the day. Not because I enjoyed the game, I felt extreme guilt I had begged so much for this game just to not like it at all, and I knew I was probably not going to touch the game much after that day. It was not like Nintendogs fyi

meow meow meow meow meoow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow i am just a kitte

meow meow meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow meow meow
i am just a kitten
hardly fit my mittens
uhhhhh i forgot
one day i'll be bigger
one day i'll be a great big kitty cat
something something flap to flap i think ?
i think me struggling to rmemeber how the song goes is also a good summation of how the game itself is like

the theme song is burned into my brain, I start singing it sometimes.
made me find out my best friend also knows the game.

Got the game as a gift from a colleague earlier. Now knows why

f babidi, esteja em paz meu rei🖤

why was the song in this game so bizarrely somber for being about little kitty cats

All you can do in this game is watch your cat run around in your really ugly living room. The most exciting thing in this whole shitshow is the very rare moment your fleabag takes a shit in the litterbox that you can clean off in 2 seconds. I legitly know no person that ever played this game and liked it. Save your money and your sanity, because it will shatter the moment you hear the really terrible theme song that plays once you start the game and will haunt you for the rest of your life.

I remember my mom buying me this game on a fucking supermarket.
The intro song is's just...

meow meow meow song makes me uncontrollably sob

meowmeow meow moew Meowmeow meow meow meowmeowmeo wmeow i am just a kitten hardly fit my mittens much too smll infigure one day ill b bigger

Theme song goes hard.

That quiet-ass living room had such ominous vibes idk how to explain it? Anyways, boring as hell but the theme song was oddly kind of good.

your telling me they made peak in 2006

I liked when you could buy a little red light and get your cats to follow it

Un juego en el que puedes tener y cuidar gatitos, pero realmente hay muy poco que hacer con ellos y se vuelve aburrido en seguida.

As a cat lover I can attest that this game sucks. Get a real cat instead.