Reviews from

in the past

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This is the worst wrestling game I can find (outside of Phoenix Games). The Graphics are garbage, you couldn't tell what celebrity they are supposed to be only by looking at them. The Gameplay has you play a celebrity who fights to the death against other celebrities, but in the worst way possible, first off "NOT ALL THE COMPETITORS ARE CELEBRITIES" some are monsters, it has very slow attack speed, which is awful for a fighting game, you can still fight a bit after the timer runs out, and fighting and weapons aren't customized to match the celebrity that uses them like in the show until after the match is won. The Music is not in these matches, which is actually good, because I don't want more to hate here. Celebrity Deathmatch PS2 needs to be beaten out of existence.

RIP Jerry Springer, you were too wild for this world.

Really stiff and clunky fighter with little to no charme that the show had and more importly gives me very little to talk about unlike other shitty license games I've played (I kinda have a soft spot for Celebrity Deathmatch so this game was a major disappointment). On another note with this game it’s kinda funny how a good chunk of the few recognizable celebrities they got for this game are either not irrelevant anymore, dead, or are registered sex offenders. But hey look on the bright side you can also play as every member of NSYNC,
members like Joey (I lead collage stageplays and was the host of a cooking show but did nothing for my career) Fatone,
Lance (Spent most of my money on a sketchy self-made charity foundation so I could us that money to one day go to space) Bass,
JC (Failed solo career so now piggyback on old times to become a hack studio producer) Chaze
Chris (………He was in Sharknado 3) Kirkpatrick
And Justin Timberlake.

But yeah the game is shit.
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Juegos que jugué en su momento y les tengo cariño pero seguro estaban culeros.

During childhood, my friend had this game on his laptop while I had Sims on my PC. So, we used to trade computers just so I could play this while he enjoys decorating a house.

Let me tell you I loved the shit out of this game so I used to spend the whole day just beating up celebrities as a celebrity myself. However, recently got to replay it and understood that I was easily amused...

better than the Simpsons wrestling

I'm almost positive I played this on PS1, but I'm completely positive this shouldn't even be considered as a "video game" or anything close.
Most soulless shit you'll ever play, which is ironic considering it's supposed to be based on Celebrity Deathmatch. 0/10