Reviews from

in the past

Nunca pase del 3r nivel pero que cariño le tengo a este juego

Se o jogo fosse apenas fases de plataforma que nem o início no trem e em certos pequenos momentos no meio do jogo, seria ótimo, um dos melhores do console.
Mas tudo é ofuscado por um mapa aberto confuso que não te dá nenhuma direção sobre o que fazer, o que coletar, nada, você apenas começa a fazer as coisas por instinto, aí quando você acha que pegou o jeito da coisa, o jogo te ataca com bolas de fogo imortais e caminhos bloqueados.

Ás vezes não é você que não consegue, é o jogo que não quer mesmo.

Gostava demais do estilo, e mesmo esse jogo sendo extremamente difícil ainda assim jogava bastante.

it's really not fun i'm sorry. cute sprites

I was gonna review this more indepth but ehhh I changed my mind. It's an okay game and a port of a computer game that the first level was from. I hate the wisp though, screw those enemies. Also screw those traps that are just there to kill you. Before I go though, here's a tip if you want to play this yourself.

There's a lot of difficulty selection ranging from the very left being easiest to the very right being the hardest. Do not pick the easiest or any easy difficulty that only spawns the wisp enemy. This game requires you to hit 5 enemies in a row without missing to get a powerup and the game only spawns the wisp which are unkillable with your weapon meaning the game is impossible in Scene 2 since the skeleton can't be bypassed without the powerup.

Hope that advice helps you.

At first this game seems to be nothing more than a slightly difficult platformer. The train level is kinda fun in a nostalgic sort of way... But then the game opens up, throws a giant unwieldy map at you complete with a nasty time limit and positions several awkward barriers with power up requirements that the game doesn't bother to tell you about.

Then it turns into pain-o-clock and while the endgame reverts back to fun if hard platforming, the brutal and unfun map hunting just spoils it.

Thank you for introducing me to Schubert and Marche Militaire

And thank you for absolutely nothing else.