Reviews from

in the past

Fun clicker game for a couple hours, though quickly gets repetitive and grindy. After the first 2 or so stages, an auto-clicker is a must to actually enjoy the gameplay loop. Enjoyed the art and style throughout though. Multiple of the non-core systems and mechanics seemed a bit out of place and poorly balanced though

Turns out if you dress up a clicker to look like a badass 2D brawler, it is indeed compelling enough to get me to click several thousand times.

Clicar en la pantalla mientras suben numeros y matas cosas, no es un clicker normal porque hay equipo y tienes que apuntar a algunos objetivos, pero vamos, que es una chorrada como un piano.

Clicker, art and music are interesting but beyond that it mediocre.

Mto foda 10/10 game of the year