Reviews from

in the past

Love the concept here. An Earthbound-like RPG that has nice artwork, good voice-acting, a sense of humor & takes the piss out of politics? Not bad, I say. For me personally, it just became a bit overwhelming to handle the more citizens I recruited while also trying to keep them all at decent EXP levels. Still a decent game though ---- definitely above average.

A fun and silly game with a great vibe and pretty environments. Very cozy game to just explore in.

vice president is funny but it's a slog to play near the end

Abismal loading times, meh art and its just an earthbound copy, but having shitty humour

It's bad. The humor, which is really the only draw, misses waaaay more than it hits.

below average rpg with some of the ugliest fucking art of any game ive ever seen, people only played it cuz tf else are you gonna play on the wii u

My brother got upset at me last week due to a misunderstanding and bought me Citizens of Earth as an apology. Totally and completely not necessary, but the gesture was absolutely appreciated - especially since I'd been having trouble committing to a game.

Citizens of Earth is a corny, quirky indie JRPG. There's a lot of clear Earthbound inspiration and homages, but it has more of a parody feel to it. You play as the Vice President of the Earth -- an absolute boob who got the position almost entirely because of his good hair. Strange things are happening on the Earth, and with some cajoling from your Mother and Brother, you set out to figure out what's happening.

It's a very goofy romp, which is honestly what I needed with all of the stress in my life right now. There's nothing really wowing here, but it made me smile fairly consistently. There's a huge roster of character to recruit, each feeling surprisingly unique within the games standard menu-based JRPG combat. All of the characters have at least some voice-acting, which is surprisingly well done for a budget title. The character interactions are very enjoyable as well.

The soundtrack was surprisingly good. One battle theme in particular, Otherworldly Battle, hit some chilled-out synthwave vibes and really wormed its way into my brain.

Unfortunately, Citizens of Earth really suffered from having too many encounters with basic enemies. JRPG combat is simply not interesting or even engaging when you're just selecting the same ability every round. So many otherwise good games are absolutely ruined by this. I legitimately think the average JRPG would be improved by removing all combat except for boss fights, and citizens of Earth is no exception. It only hit the point of being maddening in the final couple of zones here, so I stuck it out, but it's frustrating to have an otherwise good experience tarnished.

Anyway, I'd recommend Citizens to people who want some dumb humor and don't mind a bit of repetitive JRPG combat alongside it.

The writing and premise are interesting, and I liked the one joke about the whitehouse level being a ridiculous circus, but the party members are absolutely quantity over quality, and everything is pointless and repetitive to no end.

I think this game was supposed to be funny, but it was more annoying than funny.

this game\s loading time is abysmal