Reviews from

in the past

Tell ya something, but keep it on the DL:
There's better games with more content and less clothes on the Internet for free.
Really, don't play this.
Ah, I guess if you're into being Blue balled, this is the game for you. I don't judge. But even then there's still better games for free on the net.

i liked the catgirl and the tomboy...

From the beginning:

-The characters are stereotypes that stopped being funny at least 20 years ago.
-The script is oriented to phrases and ideas that make even more boring the first problem exposed, a shitty justification to meet a girl (or to the idea of girl of a guy who never met a girl in his life), and a series of phrases that do not even serve to reward the weakest gameplay.
-The weakest gameplay, look how the bars fill up, the game progresses by watching the grass grow!
-The justifications of the gameplay are terrible, there are jobs or hobbies that justify attributes that don't fit for anything, it doesn't make sense, I would accept to see the grass grow if they tell me that it results in a good justification, but as I said, the scripts aren't worth it, the justifications aren't worth it, the waifus aren't worth it.

HuniePop at least justifies its situations with silly but laughable situations, it has puzzle gameplay, but it's something besides watching paint dry, Mirror is also okay, which is also several stories and rewards you with real hentai.

What a bad thing

Why did I play this, it's not even sexy, both art and writing

Usei o cheat engine pra zerar esse jogo, pq se não eu teria dropado, mas é engraçadinho até

(Steam review made on January 16, 2018)

Why do I have 11 hours in the game?

Who need they crushussy ate?
Omg me.

I like idle games and it's ok as one but I feel like the whole point is the porn or whatever and I can't see it because I didn't pay for it.

i play on browser and i cant tell you how long ive been playing this game anyway i like Women and dumb bad porn

Esta review se la quiero dedicar a mi amigo theseitershow

its a waifu idle clicker what do you want me to say lol
its ok, the texting part of it is the best for me, and i DID "beat" the game. so uh
yeah boobs

The average idle clicker experience, with outlandish stereotypical caricatures of cute girls.

Boring and tedious, not even worth the hentai aspect of the game as it's all still JPEGs. No effort in anything. Not to mention you can beat it by literally not playing it.

Steam says I have 4,920 hours in this game

i hate myself for finishing this game

"Another Forgettable Clicker Game...Dating Sim Edition?"

I wasn't too excited going into this game, since I've never really gotten into the whole "clicker" game genre. I figured I would try this one out and see its mechanics before passing judgment...and I wasn't really impressed. The UI felt kind of clunky, and the characters were super annoying and poorly designed. The gameplay revolves around, you guessed it, clicking on characters to earn hearts while idling for cash! Nothing is particularly different with this title from other clicker games except for that its a "dating simulator", a very very barebones and unpolished one at that.

The music gets old after the first few loops, yet there are no other options to listen to. Characters constantly spam their annoying quips in your face over and over again, some of which are truly ridiculous to hear. After a certain point, hearing a girl tell you that she is "homeless" makes you want to rip your earlobes off. The gameplay is the simple stat-boosting loop you see in pretty much all of these games. There aren't really any clever ideas being thrown out here, and it honestly felt like a waste of my time.

This is a very unoriginal game, and even for a clicker title it manages to under-perform compared to other more varied ones. I would Not Recommend playing this title. It does nothing to change up the clicker formula, and really does nothing to convince you that you're spending your time wisely at all!

Final Verdict: 2/10 (Bad)

wish people didn't convince me to play these games honestly