Reviews from

in the past

Relajante hasta que te entran ganas de mear.

Sometimes the sickest parts of my mince like brain screech at me to do another run. One day I'm going to yield, what's another 8 hours after all?

drove for 8 hours for my friends. never again.

Waarom heb ik dit uitgespeeld

Streamed almost the entire game for charity (had to stop nearly 7 hours in due to my headset running out of battery).
That was definitely Desert Bus in VR, and I loved it.

Genuinely unsure how to rank this, as it superbly accomplished exactly what it intends to do. That does not make it fun. I only got about 40 minutes in. I mayyyyybe could've gone longer but dude I have a job, a kid, a family. If I ever had 8 hours free to do something, this would almost certainly not be it. Huge respect though.

travou e fechou depois de umas 6 horas de viagem :/

It's fun to kill a few hours every so often even if you don't complete the trip.

The idea of this game alone is amazing. I'd never beat it, but I do love the idea behind it..... in VR!

não tinha jogado no vr e o jogo é entediante, não gostei

in the process of 100%ing the game's achievements. god help me