Reviews from

in the past

Great game, the scenes are very good and the beginning of the game is very good then it gets stuck a little but not too much and the bosses are wonderful and the music 9/10

Esse jogo aqui é um sacanagem de tão bom que ele é, ele pega tudo que o primeiro faz e multiplica com tesão de vaca, meu amigo que porra de jogo é esse, muito foda, pra mim o melhor da série

Devil May Cry 3: Uma Jóia Preciosa do Mundo dos Jogos

Devil May Cry 3, lançado originalmente em 2005, destaca-se como uma obra-prima atemporal que continua a brilhar com intensidade ao longo dos anos. Este título da Capcom é uma pedra preciosa no mundo dos jogos, enriquecendo-se com o tempo, e é uma experiência que ilustra como os jogos antigos podem amadurecer como vinho.

Personagens Incríveis: Profundidade e Carisma

A força de Devil May Cry 3 reside, em grande parte, na riqueza de seus personagens. Dante, o protagonista rebelde, é dotado de uma personalidade carismática e cativante. Sua relação complexa com o irmão, Vergil, e outros personagens secundários contribui para uma narrativa rica em nuances e emoções. O desenvolvimento dos personagens é uma verdadeira joia, trazendo profundidade aos heróis e vilões que habitam esse mundo demoníaco.

Boss Fights Apaixonantes: Danças Épicas de Espadas

As batalhas contra os chefes em Devil May Cry 3 são verdadeiros espetáculos, demonstrando uma coreografia magnífica de combate. Cada encontro é uma experiência apaixonante, com inimigos imponentes que desafiam os jogadores a aprimorar suas habilidades para sobreviver. A variedade de estilos de luta dos chefes e a intensidade das batalhas garantem uma experiência emocionante que perdura na memória dos jogadores.

Envelhecimento como Vinho: A Evidência da Qualidade Duradoura

À medida que os anos passam, Devil May Cry 3 continua a aprimorar-se, envelhecendo como vinho. As mecânicas de combate inovadoras, que foram revolucionárias em seu lançamento, permanecem surpreendentemente fluidas e gratificantes. A atenção aos detalhes na animação, nos ambientes e na trilha sonora mantém o jogo relevante, mesmo em comparação com títulos mais recentes.

Conclusão: Uma Pedra Preciosa no Cofre dos Jogos

Devil May Cry 3 é mais do que um jogo; é uma pedra preciosa, uma verdadeira obra de arte no cofre dos jogos. Sua capacidade de envelhecer graciosamente, suas personagens envolventes e suas batalhas épicas são testemunhos da dedicação da Capcom à qualidade. Uma experiência que não apenas resiste à passagem do tempo, mas brilha com mais intensidade, Devil May Cry 3 é uma joia preciosa que deve ser apreciada e reverenciada por jogadores de todas as eras.

Wow, now this is devil may cry. This series was introduced to me by the remake(lol I know) but going to dmc5 I was determined to get through the rest of the series.

Dmc3 is amazing, what a fucking game. That end fight??? This shit rocks.

Never been happier to be an 05 baby

Seeing two men attempt to drag each other into their respective private hells makes for great chemistry.

just started this and i think it's already well on its way to becoming my favourite dmc game. some boss battles are infuriating but it's just so charming as a whole

ok this is where the shit is. everything about this game is fun. dante is ridiculously fun and vergil and Lady are also great characters. the story is actually engaging and the gameplay is super fun with all the new weapons. i recommend starting with this one of your interested in the series.

Очень крутая наворочённая боевая система с множеством приёмов, которые больно использовать.

This game is really freaking awesome. I played the first one before this one and I can say that this is an incredible step, almost like there was an entire generation apart. But not, both are from the 6th gen. Maybe some of the progress was done in the second entry? Dunno but I've heard it is not really good. I don't think I can say much about the gameplay since I am not really too experience in hack and slash games, but I do want to say, the game has STYLE. I don't mean with the style meter in the gameplay and that stuff, but the visual, music, and audio department along with the great cinematics and characters. It embraces the silliness to a point where it is cool without taking itself too seriously, and at the same time it manages to combine some serious parts here and there really smoothly. Just overall a great freaking game. My only complains are with the level design, which is sometimes confusing as hell. And with some aspects of the weapon and style variety. I find the combat styles to not really be a great addition. I think that instead of it giving more variety to the game it incentivizes to keep always the same style since once you already learn the moves it is more convenient to keep practicing with it rather than experimenting with more. Kind of the same happens with the weapons, but even more since you have to upgrade them separately. I used the Rebellion and Cerberus for pretty much the whole game. Pretty much the same with swordsmaster, only changing it on the final boss for trickster. I think that if they focused in one style or implemented systems to incentivize changing your "build" the game would have benefited greatly. Though I do understand the appeal of having variety for replayability purpose and I do respect that design decision in part.
I was about to give it four stars just because of the level design problems but honestly I really loved it and I think 4.5 is fair, specially since I think that if it was not for those two problems it could easily be even a 5/5.

Don't have many complaints about this game, aside from a few levels being annoying to play. Love the introduction of Dante's different styles. It's hard to make a block that's as satisfying as Royal Guard.

DMC 3 is an absolutely brilliant game that still holds up as one of the best action games ever made.

Wow, now this is devil may cry. This series was introduced to me by the remake(lol I know) but going to dmc5 I was determined to get through the rest of the series.

Dmc3 is amazing, what a fucking game. That end fight??? This shit rocks.

Out of all the games from my earlier years. The feeling of finally beating this one after it beat me countless times cannot be described.

Also the music is FUCKING INSANE!

Esse jogou moldou minha personalidade e gosto música, me diverti demais combando e jogaria denovo

Don't play this version, play Special Edition

Devil May Cry 3 is like if Devil May Cry 2 was good. I have less to say about it both because so much has already been said about it over the. Years, but I also just don't have that many unique opinions about the game. It's one of the best action games of all time. Massively influential to the 3D beat-em-up genre, elevating it to an art. I guess the only thing I can say is that I actually like that the styles are separate and you can switch freely. It fits Dante being young and not a master combatant yet, and also it teaches the player over time. Now I do think it takes way too long to level up the styles but whatever I get it, do more playthroughs yadda yadda yadda. Other than that, yeah it's pretty much perfect. Great music, great art, great story, great gameplay. It's probably the single biggest sequel upgrade in the history of video games. That's it, buy the game, it's good, the switch version has local multiplayer and store switching too.

TLDR: Lady is cute and I wish she was playable

N me fez virar fa da franquia, da pra notar que tem muitas otimas ideias e combate incrivel mas os boss e os inimigos serem esponjas de dano que nao se mexem é um incomodo muito grande
melhor parte do jogo é o Vergil

Changed my brain chemistry in the worst possible way

Replayed it recently and man, Playing this on controller after first playing it on keyboard more than 4 years ago is life changing
absolutely amazing time

Um Hack & Slash forjado a perfeição. Todos os aspectos que Dmc3 tenta acertar, ele acerta em cheio. História interessante, combate simplesmente fodástico e cheio de profundidade, história cheia de personagens carismáticos e que até hoje são idolatrados pelos fãs e é claro, chefes marcantes. Tudo isso faz com que Dmc3 seja o melhor da franquia.

well now I really understand the love for the dmc series. It’s a very cool game and Dante’s wittiness throughout is a pleasure to my ears. Edgelord Vergil with his katana. Lady! Ugly priest dude. Capcom excels once again with their characters. The final mission was driving me crazy, then all of a sudden I became the real Dante and just excelled at everything, all of a sudden I was in complete control of the entire battle. I was aware of 100 kills during credits, of course I get 99, the final enemy was defeated and doing it death animations but never added to the count,,,,oh well. I’ll definitely have to go and replay this game on the harder difficulties sometime. Thanks capcom

what a difference from 2. 1 was good, 2 was shiet and this is were the fun begins

Com toda certeza um dos melhores jogos da história, mas com uma dificuldade propositalmente elevada, comum na época. História bem cativante e viciante com personagens legais e interessantes, cutscenes extremamente maneiras e exageradamente estilosas.
Gameplay 7/10
História 8,5/10
Musicas 10/10
Gráficos 8/10 para a época