Reviews from

in the past

Decent enough turn based strategy game with some funny writing mixed in. The turn based based strategy is pretty simplistic, but it's satisfying to execute. There's some nice RNG in there, which keeps things a little unpredictable. The writing though is where the game shines, there's a simple pleasure to reading about each scumbag you're getting off, then trading some jabs with the prosecution about them. It's charming, and has solid production values.

Devil's Attorney é um título que explora muito bem o clichê, se mantendo engraçado, com um bom nível de desafio, apesar de ser um pouquinho repetitivo por conta dos embates. Quem gosta de jogos com desafio estratégico moderado, temática de advocacia e comédia, tem em Devil’s Attorney uma boa opção de passatempo.