Reviews from

in the past

it did not connect with me but it’s nice. i’ll maybe try again someday because i want to like it more! just felt like a lot of the weapons/abilties are redundant or pointless and the mechanics are never tight enough to justify actually being there. some elements feel like they’re only present because they’re “supposed” to be, and not because they fit the flow of gameplay.

The music alone carries this game. Full poison build is my go-to. Play Robot if you want to have fun.

Makes up for its very short length with so many different ways to play.

Pretty Enjoyable game. Soundtrack and Sound Design is actually really good. Tons of gameplay as well. But dice = rng and rng = not happy.

Tengo este juego para la Switch, y lo juego un ratito cada vez que me acuerdo de él. En un momento en el que los roguelikes me tienen algo cansada lo sencillo de tomar y dejar que es este me da un soplo de aire fresco.

If you want a game with a good story, this game is not for you.

If you want to binge game until completion and then move to another game I also don't think this game is for you.

If you instead want a fun game you can casually play for 15-45 minutes at any random time, then this game is for you!

Total time played: 35h

Dicey Dungeons é bom, claramente inspirado no Slay the Spire. Alguns personagens são chatos de jogar, mas a jogatina é legal

Remember VVVVVV? Yeah this is one of his games somehow.

Alt: Play as dice, roll dice, are those your children??

Game is cool but it's the kind of roguelike I don't like, sooo I've diceyded to roll out (haha get it?)

A really simple and fun rougelite. Love how much each character changes up the basic gameplay so much. It does feel a little half-baked as far as progression goes though. Once you've unlocked the final character there's nothing else to work towards and that's a bummer. Wish there were at least some simple cosmetics to keep me coming back.

Decent roguelike but far too limiting and luck-based for my taste.

Something about this game didn't feel fully baked. The aesthetics are there, but fairly surface level. The enemy types are fun puns with relevant gimmicks. The mechanical switch-ups per character are interesting enough. But I feel like this is a particularly random roguelike where you can be punished for not making the right choices, rather than not making synergistic choices.

I thought this was like a run-based game going in and it is but it also isn't? Listen I messed up here I've definitely put this down but it's been a while and I ultimately don't have like much to say. I don't remember anything except that I like the character designs. They don't have a defeat animation which at first I thought was too bad but it does give the whole thing a certain feel, like okay we're done with this match time to move on. That's fun. I like that.

It's a good time-waster that really lives on constantly throwing new gimmicks at you. It's not quite compelling enough that I could see myself trying to like, 'get good' at dicey dungeons you know.

Funny little roguelike thats based on dice. I like the whole game show aesthetic but runs don't deviate that much and many of the playable dice are either way too easy to win with or way to complex/random to play effectively.

Fun and colorful card-based roguelike. Not as much depth as something like STS but still fun.

Un roguelike muy disfruton que lo que no tiene de profundidad le sobra de variedad.

É um jogo ok, mas não prendeu muito minha atenção, daqueles legais pra baixar pirata ou comprar baratinho, jogar 2 dias num fds chuvoso e desinstalar.

Fantastic soundtrack combined with a ton of style, definitely a solid pick if you're a fan of roguelites

pretty fun little roguelite. all of the characters really spice the game up and while it seems like it would have a lot of rng you always feel somewhat in control of fights. different modifiers on the episodes spice things up even if i absolutely despised some of them. if you are a fan of the genre there is a lot to sink your teeth into here

I don't remember too much but it was enough to keep me interested for a few play sessions

AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO talvez meu jogo favorito pq mds mto iconico

charming, but not very well balanced.

Esse foi um jogo que me impressionou demais nas primeiras horas, todas as mecânicas e diferentes jeitos de jogar de cada personagem me deixaram muito empolgado. Mas ele sofre um pouco com a repetitividade com um tempo, pra tu ver o final do jogo vc tem que conseguir vencer 36 runs, cada run deve levar em torno de 20-30 minutos, logo toda aquele magnifica novidade e encanto do começo, vai se esvaindo. Mas ainda assim, é um excelente jogo, que passei horas muito divertidas e interessantes.

What if a deckbuilding roguelike was dice (and some cards)

Not a ton of replay value compared to other rogue-likes, as it's mostly just about the puzzle of figuring out how to beat some, and the harder ones are usually just hard because of less-fun impositions on the player. Very fun experience to run through that first time though.

Not a bad bagel, but too much randomness, although this is not surprising. We play with different damn cubes and each has a ton of our own challenges, which open in turn with each playthrough. Each class (cube) has different combat mechanics, some of them are a pleasure to play, others... meh, just torture. I would like d20 for a critical hit on the enemy, but I get d1 hitting myself, figuratively speaking.

Неплохой рогалик, но слишком много рандома, хотя это неудивительно. Мы играем проклятыми разными кубиками и у каждого тонна своих челенджей, поочередно открывающиеся с каждым прохождением. У каждого класса(кубика) разная механика боя, некоторыми из них играть одно удовольствие, другими... meh одно мучение. Хотелось бы d20 на критический удар по врагу, а выпадает d1 ударяя по себе, образно говоря.

interesting roguelike with very diverse gameplay. not only are there lots of different characters with completely different gameplay mechanics but each character also has reworked mechanics across the different story episodes. unfortunately this doesnt hold true for the enemy encounters, bosses, shops, and items for which theres few options making runs feel bland unlike other games in the genre.