Reviews from

in the past

Its a great game. After a while got boring. I enjoyed Kings Bounty more, however its quite similar.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for October 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before November 1st, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A tactical battle game, which feels like Heroes of Might and Magic

Disciples: Liberation is an RPG with a tactical battle system where players command their characters and units to take on enemies. The game starts with an assassination mission but then changes quickly to an attempt to build a home for the characters requiring the characters to form alliances with different races. The story here is pretty interesting as well.

Disciples Liberation has a good system where players have to hire units from their base and use them to fight in the battles, and units who die will be permanently lost. However, I had more of a challenge keeping my main character alive, though that won’t end the game. There’s also a controversial “auto win” when you overpower enemies, which I prefer, but I know people disagree with it.

Pick this up if you like turn-based tactics games, especially those on a hexagon grid. This gave me a hard nostalgia for Heroes of Might and Magic but this feels like it was done right. Though where most RPGs are about the story, people will have to look more to the combat here to decide if it’s right for them, which is why I’m showing it.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Taste of demo made me excited for this. I though I'd finally get a new game that is similar to Heroes of Might & Magic except with choice system, romanceable companions, visible gear/armour changes, etc.
Instead it just feels empty and shallow, introduction to the world almost does not exist which leads to Player pretty much not caring about any of the characters.
Artificial barriers of "you must progress further in the story" make the early game rather boring. You can see what Units will available in the future yet you are left "spamming" the same ones for quite a bit of time.

Me ha pasado algo similar que con King's Bounty 2. Un juego condenado al ostracismo por la crítica que sin embargo resulta ser un RPG realmente profundo.

- Es inmenso. La cantidad de misiones principales, secundarias, personajes, looteo, combates... es incluso abrumadora.
- No solo tiene un guion bien escrito, sino que goza de una excelente traducción al español.
- Las posibilidades de progreso y personalización son bastante altas.

- Los enfrentamientos acaban haciéndose repetitivos debido a la enorme duración del título.
- Aunque la progresión sea continua, el gameplay del combate se estanca demasiado temprano.
- El hechizo más eficaz contra los bosses es uno de los primeros que consigues en el juego.

I wish I could say this game was better but it's basically a buggy low effort and unpolished game. Very edgy grimdark writing ruins pretty much most of the story and interactions. Gameplay is very shallow and far too easy. Faction relation system seems tacked on and sometimes the game will straight up force you to take actions that lose points with certain factions. Fast travelling in the final chapter permanently softlocks and ruins your save file on top of everything else. Just a really forgettable and skippable game overall.