Reviews from

in the past

Fun but super turtley fighting system. Never finished the story mode. The new characters were nice.

Super Smash Bros but it's done by Square

It's a testament to how endlessly expressive the combat system felt to me that I dedicated hours upon hours to creating absolutely meaningless original questlines for this game.

The definitive Dissidia experience.

FFXIV wishes it was this cool

NT is not a real game

one of the most addicting games ever made. between this and the original game, i don't even want to think about how many hours i've spent on it.

A marriage of 90s wuxia spectacle and dynamic combat to 00s wuxia graceful weightlessness of movement realized in play with a level of sheer craft and maniacal mechanical tightness unlikely ever to be seen again in any context as accessible to players who are not Fighting Game People (and that includes Smash Bros., which has been a fighting game for longer than it was an arena fighter-cum-party game at this point, to its detriment). As close as any game I've ever played has come to genuine eternal replayability, and one I've been returning to off and on for more than ten years. It's worth your while to get a PSP/Vita in general, but it would absolutely be worth securing one just for this game alone, especially as the closing of the PS3/Vita PSN Store will banish this eternally to the realm of UMD or emulation-only. I've bounced off every Final Fantasy game I've ever attempted save this one (we'll see about FFXII), so I kinda do have to join the chorus of other reviews here in calling this the only good Final Fantasy game lol. Go seek this out if you haven't already, flashy arena fighters genuinely do not get better than this.

Everything you loved about the first Dissidia, but improved upon in everyway possible and with even more characters. The best and definitive Dissidia experience.

Game was a masterpiece. What else can I say about it.

012 improved on everything the first Dissidia did, and I loved the gameplay and story in this one. This was the last Dissidia I really got into and really enjoyed; someday I'd like to replay it and see how it holds up.

Murdering my friends during lunch keeps this one at the top